Otoya feminist era

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Added this song because everyone deserves to hear it

I am actually so sorry for the slow updates

Multiple chapters today hopefully


"Is it alright to leave him outside?" Y/n asked.

"I dunno know, you tell me," Karasu smiled, looking down at her. "He's yer band mate, ain't he?"

"I guess..." Y/n muttered, averting her eyes away from him.

Y/n suddenly felt something heavy drop on her shoulder, and someones hot breath on her neck.

"Mmhgh..." HUH?? "G'morning..." God his morning voice was hot

"Good morning Otoya." She reached her hand up to stroke his hair softly as he rested his head on her.

"How did you sleep?" He asked, mumbling slightly into her neck. Otoya seemed to be five seconds from falling asleep again. Karasu slightly pushed him off of the girl, and he ended up leaning against the wall, eyes closed and snoring slightly. 

"Personal space, man." As y/n made a move to let him rest on her again, he stopped her. "No y/n, its fine to just leave him there. He'll wake up properly eventually. Do yer wanna go into the living room an-" 

"Y/NNNNN PLEASEEEEEEE. Y/NNNNNNN LET ME INNNNNN!" Shidou was screeching outside again.

There was a momentary pause.

"Do you hear something really jarring? Or is that just me?" Y/n smiled brightly.

"Um-" Karasu seemed startled at her sudden change in attitude.

"Y/n." A softer voice called from the other side of the door, followed by gentle knocking on the door.

In an instant, y/n had flung the door open and shoved Shidou aside, where he slammed into the floor, engulfing the man behind him into a hug. Hiori tried to quietly slip away, but Karasu quickly grabbed the back of his shirt before he could get away.


"Hey y/n." He responded tenderly, wrapping his arms around her. "Reo's gonna be here soon as well."

"What's this? I didn't know y/n's band mates were going to be coming so early." Yukimiya appeared next to Karasu, hair slightly mussed up but otherwise looking very handsome and presentable. He nudged Otoya, who had fallen asleep again while standing, and Rin disentangled himself from Y/n, bowing slightly to the three guys in front of him.

"Hello, i'm Itoshi Rin. Please take care of y/n."

"It's no problem," Yukimiya smiled. "It's lovely to meet you, Itoshi"

"Please call me Rin."

"Oh, well, do yer wanna come in?" Karasu asked Rin, ignoring Shidou, as it seemed to be an ongoing thing between everyone.

"Yes, thank you very-"

"I WANNA COME IN" Shidou suddenly sprung up from the floor and bounded happily into the apartment, slinging an arm around y/n's shoulders.

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