Deadly Anew

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As that

As this

As of


Early December 2023, narrow alley way in an isolated coastal town:

Weak light glinting off broken glass in an alley way of non-threatening vibe, the light used to be stronger but has since dimmed over the years since it's installation following a spate of attacks that forced a response from the local council to install a street light despite grumbles from some who saw it as a waste of money that wasn't in their own pockets by now.

Not exactly a big alley way really as it only takes about twenty two point five steps from point to point, it's issue is that it's secluded between several houses that don't give much of a view from their back windows plus there's the garages that block out some of the view. Hence the demands that it be made safer.

Safer, yes, but it wasn't. Not really. Thing about those looking to commit harm is that light doesn't faze them as such as long as they aren't seen committing the act. Moving onwards to the act in question which is taking place now as an elderly woman is on her way home, she is taking the alley way as it's a quicker route home. She missed her previous bus so was late to get home not that she had much to return home to, no surviving family, never had kids so no grandchildren either. Never married. All that awaits her is unending silence which will likely be all that remains of her when she's gone.

Still she is making her way home as she doesn't like to be out after dark. She is counting her steps and cursing getting old, she could have managed this much faster when she was younger, now it takes twice as long. The exit is in plain view but it feels like an eternity to get there with how slow her walking is these days.

A person steps into the alley from the point she is trying to reach, she doesn't see another enter from the point she had entered. She hopes they'll let her pass but they don't, the one approaching her from the front just smiles while the one behind her grabs her. She tries to fight back but she's pinned tightly, she tries to scream only got a hand to go over her mouth.

"If you'll come with us please" No returning home any more.


January 2024, some forest in the back end of bugger all:

Open door, step out into the cold winter air of early January, hello frosted nips. Fuck it's cold.

"Heard something" Her boss had said on the phone earlier. "Pit of bodies all ranging from newborn to late teens, various sexes, no idea on genders. Bunch of party goers for New Years stumbled across the pit, panicked, called the police and the media who are stirring up a real shit storm but that's the media for you.
No idea how long they've been there but it's a pretty nasty scene, I want you to go in and learn what you can or at least see it for yourself. The police have been informed so they'll be expecting you, might not want to eat anything before hand but if you do then take some sickness bags with you or find a good big tree to go behind by the sounds of it" Meant it was a hell scene, charming.

Door locked and secured with a wee double beep that sounded loud in the forest, so many dead trees for the winter waiting to grow new leaves once winter buggers off for a short while if it can even be arsed to, winter tends to last longer than summer in this part of the world.

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