Chapter 2: jack and sandy Vs pitch's creation

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Jack, Bruni, Olaf and aizawa would make their way to the class room. But once they got to the room Jack would decide to pull a quick prank. He would make the room freezing cold.

Jack would chuckle.

Mio: Onii-Chan!

Stella: Ikki! Enough! You're making everyone freeze in here!

Jack would stop and walk through the door.

Jack: what? Can't handle the cold? *chuckle*

Stella: *sigh* you sure do enjoy your pranks...

Jack: that's part of job of being Jack Frost.

Stella: *sigh*

Aizawa: right.. come on... I have some news to share...

Jack: alright! Come on Olaf! Bruni! Let's find a place to sit!

Everyone would be confused except for aizawa. Then they would see a walking snowman walk into the room and a lizard appear from jack hoodie.

Olaf: Hi! My name is Olaf! It's nice to meet you all!

Everyone would be shocked to see a talking snowman.

Everyone(-a few): EHHH! IT CAN TALK!?

Jack:... uhh... Olaf is a guy... not a it... since he's called a snow "man"...

Stella: that's not helping to why he's talking!?

Jack: magic?

Mio: did you do this!?

Jack: well... no. My ancestor made him. But anyways!

Jack would then pick Olaf up and set him on the desk.

Jack: is it okay if I set him here?

Aizawa: sure... whatever...

Jack: alright! You can begin now!

Aizawa: as I was about to say...

Aizawa would explain about the sports festival. And once he was done aizawa would say to the students they were on their own for training. He would then leave the room.

Jack: well... that was interesting...

Jack would then see the girls go up to him. Mio would hug him. He would hug back.

Mio: it so good to see you again!

Jack: I know! So how have you all been?

Stella: we've been good. But I've been wondering something...?

Jack: that being?

Stella: if you...

Jack: if I?

Stella: want to go on...


Akagi: go on a date with us.

Stella: AKAGI!?

Akagi: what? You were taking too long to ask. And I simply sped up the conversation.

Stella: you should have-

Jack: sure.

Stella: huh?

Jack: I said sure. I don't got a lot going on. I don't got anything plan as of right now. So I'm free. I'll have to drop off Olaf and Bruni. But after that... I got nothing going on.

Kaga: great! We'll meet at the mall in an hour okay?

Jack: alright.

Jack would get ready to leave but he would see his old family walk towards him. He wouldn't be happy.

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