୨ 003; seiu sato is really cool ୧

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word count: 1.4k

seiu sato is really cool. especially when she receives balls from killer serves.

from that awkward moment 30 minutes ago i still haven't been able to recover. i went to the bathroom around 3 times since then i can't even look him in the eye! he keeps staring at me-- oh gosh i've really done it this time. how am i supposed to move on?!

the sun was already beaming down on the school and the gym was heating up at 9 in the morning. to take my mind of that monstrosity of an interaction, i imagined what it would be like to have a watermelon at that very moment; biting into it and hearing a satisfying crunch to be greeted by a tsunami of the perfect amount of sweetness. then chewing it dry to be left with a texture that never goes gross. oh what i would do to get my hands on some right now. 

"alright girls time to warm up!"
coach hisaga announces

yeorin, our setter, calls before running up to me

"hey what's up?"
i say turning around,

"that whole team keeps staring at you.."
she whispers,

i knew that guy from earlier was staring at me i mean who wouldn't but the whole team? i look to my right and my eyes are met with not only the boy with the pudding-like hair but, indeed, his whole team absolutely staring holes into my face.

"it must have been from when you saved that guy from the falling stack of chairs."
she adds,

i ask wide-eyed

"yeah it did... but you seem a bit to happy about that."

"OF COURSE I'M HAPPY. i thought i made a fool of myself"
i say rubbing my neck.
"thank goodness i don't have to be too embarrassed"

"i hate to be the bearer of bad news but screaming 'WATCH OUT' then nothing happening for a while is still kind of embarrassing."

"oh shut up yeorin"
i laugh, punching her arm softly.

"what was i supposed to say? hey you there! boy with the untouched roots! that stack of chairs is gonna fall on you and you'll end up concussed in about"
i check my invisible watch
"5 seconds! so you better move. only if you want to though"
i say sarcastically earning a laugh from the first year. 

now that burden is off my shoulders, i can focus on the game.
suddenly i feel the same sudden yet familiar sensation from earlier when the boy was about to be crushed by the weight of the falling stack of chairs. i turn my head and a rouge ball is flying to me and yeorin at full speed. swiftly, i receive the ball and send it flying into the air back to the boy who was about to warn us.

"HEEAAAADS-.. oh....... WOAH that was an awesome receive! how did you do that? did you know it was coming?? are you a libero???"
a short boy with bright orange hair shouts running up to me.

another short boy whose his hair styled up says running up to me as well,

kenma.. that's his name.

the boy adds excitedly,

i chuckle. since when did we start naming average volleyball moves?

"do you have like super hero senses or something?"
shave-job asks, walking up to me to join his friends,

"no.. lucky guess?"
i say,

"do you seriously not know who she is?"
bokuto shouts from across the room with that same stupid pose he always does,

"her name is seiu sato. the best libero in all of japan! i bet she's the best among the male liberos as well. she's like.. fricken super woman"

soundless: the summer of 2003 || k. kozumeWhere stories live. Discover now