Rumors About Me

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Outside the window in the Dean's office, sunlight streamed through the dense forest, making the leaves more vibrant green. The gentle rustled of the air creates a soft melody as it moves through the branches, carrying the lovely chriping of various birds and buzzing of the bees among the trees. As the sunlight pours through the Dean's office window, it adds a warm touch to MacKenzie's uniform. Her white blouse under her dark green blazer looks neatly worn. The light highlights the faded green of her maxi skirt. The light touches her shoes, although polished, there's some scuff marks, blending with her school look with a grunge twist.

Her dark brown eyes shot a glare at Kiefer, who was sitting next to her and struggling to contain his laughter. Despite the freshly patched-up bruises and scratches, the throbbing pain still caused her to wince a bit. She sneakily pinched him, trying to hide it from Mr. Robert's sight and this made him squirm on his seat. Mr. Robert noticed Kiefy moved, making him subtly tapped his chin in a curious yet skeptical manner. Upon catching the Dean's observation, he hastily adjusted his disheveled hair.

"So, you're telling me, this all happened, the fight. Because one of the transferees called you a Lezbo?" Mr. Robert queried, his eyes briefly dimming with disappointment, before he composed himself, a subtle sigh betrayed his inner frustration.

"Well... In my defense, I'm not the one who threw the first punches. But yes..." Macky bit her lip before glancing at Kiefy, her intense glare conveyed a clear message: either he helped her right in that moment, or she would rip his head off.

"Uh, yeah... So Xiomara called out the transferee to stick up for Macky, but then the newbie pushed Xiomara out of nowhere, and Basilio stepped in, shoving back the newbie to defend her. Then BOOM! It all went down hill, just like that."

When Kiefer yelled out "BOOM!", Mr. Robert and Mackenzie jumped, their hearts pounded with the unexpected startled, their bodies tensed up. At the moment Kiefy shouted the word Macky's hand met his cheek.


"Ms. Gauthier!" Mr. Robert shouted in a silvery voice, slamming his palms against his desk. He thought he might be overreacting, but he really couldn't help himself, their current behavior annoyed the hell out of him.

"Uh, sorry... We- we tried to stop them, but then the newbie straight-up comes to me, yelling 'he's mine!'. And I just completely lost it..." Macky said, frowning before looking at her lap.

"I don't even know her..." Kiefy lied, cradling his cheek where her slap left a sharp sting.

He knew the student because she has been following him around since he became famous. Macky easily caught his lies, noticing the subtle tremble in his tone or how he shifted in his seat; she felt like his words were carefully constructed, Mr. Robert narrowed his eyes slowly nodding his head, lowering his eyebrow. "Alright understandable... However you both still have to do community service."

"What about the others? Especially that newbie?" Mackenzie's face showed her annoyance, and her lips tightened.

"They will participate in the community service for one week, whereas you'll be assigned for two week community service, considering both of you are responsible for them."

"Wha—" Before she could react, Keifer reached for her arm, signaling for her to pause.

"Copy, Mr. Robert!" He said, giving her a knowing look, Macky knew exactly what he was trying to do.

"Well then, you both are dismissed..."

Mr. Robert looked at them for one last time, then quickly grabbed the file from his desk and went back to work.
Leaving the Dean's office, she teasingly pushed Kiefy, earning a surprise yet amusing reaction from him. "What's that for?" He asked, chuckling as he straighted his uniform. He couldn't help but laugh at Macky's sarcastic annoyance— it was just too funny for him.

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