Chapter 6

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* Miko was packed his luggages. He is also pack Shiba's stuff for he should taking care of hime. He changed his clothes & wearing his eye glasses for hiding his beauty. He should be normal person had changed. He brought them with Shiba going inside the taxi. The driver should ride it then arrived the airport. He travels to South Africa where Twisting Tiger lives with Supa Strikas. He went to the hotel for staying. Miko walked at the park, he brought his book & hold Shiba's collar neck belt for not to lose him. He love this places. Sometimes, North Shaw skating at the park used his skateboard, but he must be careful*

[*look at North Shaw played*]


{North Shaw}:
[*played, used his skateboard*]
WOO-HOO! Ah, Not bad after all
[*smile & look at Miko*]


{North Shaw}:
Sorry, Dude😅. I didn't even see you. My bad. I'll be careful. 🥲

It's okay. Apologize accepted.

[*bark loud angrily at North Shaw*]

{North Shaw}:
Oh! That dog must be angry at me. 😵‍💫

[*look at Shiba very angry*]
Shiba-san, ochitsuite!/ 芝さん、落ち着いて

- (Shiba, Calm down!)

[*look at Miko  & woof*]

Kare o kizutsukeru tsumori wa nai yo. Kare wa chūi suru yō ni tsutome rareta. Daijōbu, kare wa tomodachida yo. Kare wa tada tanoshin deru dakeda yo, daijōbu./ 彼を傷つけるつもりはないよ。 彼は注意するように努められた。 大丈夫、彼は友達だよ。 彼はただ楽しんでるだけだよ、大丈夫。
- (You're not gonna hurt him. He was tried to be careful. It's okay, he's a friend. He is just having fun, alright.)
[*rub Shiba*]

[*happily & panting*]

See, Shiba doesn't hurt you. He should calm himself down.

{North Shaw}:
Wow, Dude! Did you speak using your language at him!?

Yes, He doesn't understand English language that I speak. I speak used Japanese to him.

{North Shaw}:
That was incredible! 


*hold the collar neck belts of two dobermans*]

{Two dobermans}:


[*rub Shiba*]

Pfft! North Shaw. 🙄

{North Shaw}:
Ugh! Skarra, What are you doing here!?

{North Shaw}:
Just playing around, Dude. Why are you so complaning. 😒

Then, who's with you, North? Your boyfriend?

What!? No!?

{North Shaw}:
EWW! NO! He's not my boyfriend! 😡.

He's right. I'm not with him. I'm a friend, not a boyfriend. You are acting something is very bad. 🤦‍♂️

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