Chapter 13

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* Meanwhile at New York in United States of America. His name is Steve, who works with his mother at the baked restaurant & cafe. He & his (ex) girlfriend, Felicia are dated relationship. But still he doesn't like her being mean to people & also he thinks about Felicia cheater. He could getting revenge on her doing something. He should keep it from her by forcing as her boyfriend. Steve was pretending to be Felicia's real boyfriend which the real himself is her ex boyfriend*

* As for arrival, Felicia arrived at the cafe. She likes to say hi to her boyfriend (ex-boyfriend).*

{Steve (POV)}:
Great, There she goes 😑...

Hi, Baby boy.
[*kiss Steve's Cheek*]

Hey, Felicia.
[*bit smile*]

How's your working~

Pretty good. 😅

I better go something on my new job! Love you, Muwah!
[*walk away*]

Love you, too...
🙄... She's getting crazy & talks to boys.... She is always straight...

Hey, cousin!

Jake, You're here. 😁

Yep, I'm literally hungry TwT.

You haven't eat breakfast?

Nope T-T....

Okay, I'll get you some. You may sit down. The open is still 7 am. Why are yo so early?

Nah! I'm the early bird! 

Dude, it's 5 am.
[*cooking the food for his cousin's breakfast & he's done, then he holds the breakfast food & put it on the table*]
You need getting your job.

Don't worry, A lot of money is only me
[*eat his breakfast*]

Get a girlfriend?


You didn't like other girls?

[*side eye*]
Hope so... OwO'''...
I couldn't find her anymore. They're too much pretty at all T--T...

Talking about women. Girls are smart than the boys alike. They are eventually people. Don't give up, Jake.

Totally not all, Steve.
Not at all.

{Mrs. Gray}:
Good morning, Steve. Oh, Jake. What a surprise visit.

Hi, Aunt.

Morning Mom.

{Mrs. Gray}:
I'm sure your sister, Akari calls me. She will be back at 1 day. For she should arrived here.

Wait, For now!?

{Mrs. Gray}:
Yes, She has a vacation trip at 5 weeks. I'm very proud of you & my children grown up

Thanks, mom.

{Mrs. Gray}:
And also you, Jake. I'm proud of you.

Thank you very much, Aunt.

{Mrs. Gray}:
You can start the job. The customers are very patience.

Okay. I need to work. We will meet again later

Okay, Thank you, Aunt & Steve!
[*walk away*]

Mrs. Gray:
You're welcome, nephew!

Steve & his mother:
*works their job*

*Steve & his mother working together, his father works at the engineering. His twin sisters starts their school for his father will pick them up at the end of class. Akari has a trip on 5 weeks until the 1 day when she will back home soon or later.*

*Meanwhile at South Africa. Shakes just very disappointed to Tiger since they have happened to Miko & his proposal/engagement with Tiger are cancelled. He could walk around until Skarra arrived at Shakes*

Oh! Is isn't my ex best friend! 😒

Hello to you, Skarra in a deep hell. 😑

Whatever! You got a very disappointed.

Perhaps, That's a yes.

Why was that? Huh?

Because, I'm disappointed to Twisting Tiger....

Aw! How sad like a betrayal...
[*evil smile*]

He's literally a cheater to my friend. He is absolutely lied to me.

Boo! You can't even think your provement.

I have prove. You betrayed me a long years. 

Ugh... Losers. What do I doing something correct
You & I have a game for win.

 At least, you're cheater to others. You might...leave without your life.
[*walk away from Skarra*]

You will see me again, Shakes 🙄
[*walk* ]

{Shakes (POV)}:
I can't believe he's annoying. I'm gonna win the game before Invincible United gets cheated. I knew their hidden...

* Shakes has all prove while Skarra will getting revenge on his ex best friend. He knows Skarra was liar & cheated to the Super League. During the game will be sooner or later.*

To be continue...

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