Spiral ((Jeff the Killer Fanmade Rewrite)) pt.1

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(( WARNING!! this story contains violence, foul language, death, self harm and murder... Of course, this is a creepypasta))

"This behavior is unacceptable Mrs. Woods" declared the high school principal, sitting behind his large desk as two parents sat before him. One is Mrs. Margaret Woods, the mother of Jeffry Woods. Beside her sat another disgruntled parent, casting side glances over at Margaret with crossed arms. The principal continued his announcements "Your son got into an altercation with Mrs. Noles's son.. Allen" Margaret was displeased with her son's behavior, though she knew that boy had trouble expressing anger to a reasonable degree, oftentimes ending up in verbal fights.. but this was too far.

"He attacked my baby boy, sir" cried Mrs. Noles "he came home with bruises all over his face!" She described the state of her son, but Margaret intervened "Your kid probably started the fight, Jeff would never hurt another kid, so he was probably acting on self defense" She defended her son, not knowing the full story of what truly happened, but the principle got them covered on that front. "Ma'am, security footage and student accounts say that Jeff started the altercation" Margaret lowered her head in embarrassment as Mrs. Noles held a soft grin across her face, knowing she was in the right and could get something out of it, to 'make up for the damages'.

"Jeff started the fight by shouting at Allen, which led to shoving and punching... two custodians had to pull them apart" The principal continued to explain what happened in the school halls, but he wasn't blaming Margaret entirely, trying to think of a solution to this little problem. "I'm sorry Sir, and.. I'm sorry about Allen, but is there any way we could just forget this all happened? Jeff is a good kid, and I'm sure as hell going to talk to him about all of this" She expressed her anger towards her son for getting into this situation, but there wasn't much they could do.

"I want Jeff suspended from this school, I don't care how long.. but long enough" Mrs. Noles declared "That, or I'll take legal action... There's evidence that Jeff attacked my kid, right? So you'd just be fighting an uphill battle" she kept that smug Smirk across her face, knowing her entitlement and 'victim' status would give her some kind of benefit, either wanting the school to be safe once again for her baby boy, or to milk every penny out of Margaret already struggling family. The principal interjects "All I can do, ma'am, is suspend Jeff for a week" he turned towards Margaret, leaning against his large desk to show just how serious this matter was "Unless you'd like to take this to court with Mrs. Noles"

That would be just stupid! Margaret knew she was in the wrong here, fighting this court case would lead her to nowhere, so she settled for the easier option "Just take Jeff out of school, completely" Margaret waved her hand, wishing it to be done, which did surprise both occupants in the room. "Really?" The principal asked to make sure he heard her right. "Yes please.. just take him off the register. I'll talk to my husband more about this, but he won't come back to this school" she explained, and the principal agreed to do such a thing, making things easier on his part. Though Mrs. Noles was somewhat unhappy, wanting things to be more justifiable "If I ever see your kid near mine-" she trailed off on some kind of legal speech, but Margaret didn't much care, since she knew they wouldn't stick around for long.

Margaret's husband, Peter, was given a job opportunity elsewhere, but they never took it at the time since they assumed they'd be staying here for longer. Maybe not. This whole situation will never be solved, the damage was already done and their reputation was pretty much down the drain. So maybe things would be better off if they just picked up and moved, starting fresh! And better yet, keep Jeff under control.

Speaking of Jeff. The 17-year-old boy sat in boredom in his room, having not attended school due to his little outburst, laying upon his old creaky bed as his eyes stared out his bedside window, watching the day pass him by. There wasn't much for him to do anyway, as they didn't own a TV, or even a proper phone to watch videos on. No, Jeff and his family owned cheap flip phones, just for convenience's sake, since they were usually around one another more often than not, so calling or texting wasn't a necessity, but a small luxury when they needed it. Their home also didn't have much to do in either, maybe a radio lying around, but Jeff didn't feel like listening to music at the moment, more focused on the world just behind the glass of his window.

Spiral (( Jeff the Killer Fanmade Rewrite)) pt. 1Where stories live. Discover now