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I fluttered my eyes open and saw the golden, morning sun seeping through the cracks of the blinds on the window and painted lines along the floor and wall.

To my side was Andrei snoring away, still shirtless, and God was his sleeping face cute in the moment.

I carefully and quietly made my way out of the bed, trying not to wake Andrei, and went over to the closet to take out some casual clothes to wear until I left for the airport later today for the flight to Los Angeles.

I unhooked a red Hurricanes shirt from one of the hangers and took a pair of black athletic shorts out of my drawer.

"Isn't it early to be awake?"

I looked over and saw Andrei rubbing his tired eyes, then our gazes met.

The sight of him being tired accompanied by him being shirtless was hot as fuck to witness, especially at seven in the morning. I didn't even know if Andrei and I were a thing now, or if we're just hookups for one another, or if after today we'll go back to being strangers once again and he'll just be a client.

I blushed, and I even perked up a small smile. He returned the smile right back to me, which only made my face redden even more.

"I dunno," I giggled. "You can go back to sleep if you'd like,"

He chuckled as he stretched his muscles, his biceps flexing and the veins popping out of his forearms making me question my will to live.

"Holy fuck...," I muttered, looking away to prevent Andrei from seeing my tomato-red face and whatever I just said in his attractive presence.

He deeply chuckled, his morning voice showing out. "If you're trying to hide your really red face and whatever you just said to me, it's not working," he told me.

I rolled my eyes as I set the clothes I had in my hands on the edge of the bed. "It wasn't for you," I said with a smirk, and the both of us knew I was lying.

He chuckled again. "Oh really?" he said, raising an eyebrow as he crossed his arms. "There's another guy you like, hmm?"

Fuuuuckkk, he's getting onto me. Well, not literally. Although I'd like to get onto him at some point. I bet his dick is as big as his ego is. And his ego is pretty huge. I wouldn't mind stealing one of Austin's condoms in the bathroom to get a round of sex in with whatever Andrei was to me before I left for LA. Consider it as a goodbye present.

I glanced up to meet Andrei's tired, deep, brown eyes.

"Another guy?" I asked him, smirking. "You think I like somebody else other than you?"

He chuckled, glancing over at the window that was covered by the blinds. He looked back at me, eyes locking yet again.

"I hope not," he responded. "That would break my heart into a thousand pieces if you did."

I smiled, climbing onto the bed again. Changing could wait, making Andrei feel like I cared about him was more important, especially so early in the morning.

I lifted my leg and put Andrei in between my legs, then put my hands on the back of his neck. "Well, you're in luck, Svechnikov." I said, then brought one of my hands up and twirled a lock of his messy hair around my finger, smiling as we continued to drown each other in our gazes.

He giggled as he gently put his hands on my hips, smirking. "Of course I am," he said, then took his hand off of my hip and brought it up to my cheek, then brought my head down to kiss him.

As our lips parted to let our tongues enter the other mouth, I put my other hand on his cheek as I went deeper into the kiss, letting him know that I was enjoying his company.

Break Noses, Not Hearts • andrei svechnikovWhere stories live. Discover now