2: see what happens

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the next morning, you woke up in bed next to emma, who was still fast asleep. surprisingly, you weren't hungover even though you kept drinking after you parted ways with ran.

speaking of ran, you checked your phone to see if you had any messages from him, but there wasn't anything out of the ordinary waiting in your notifications.

after a quick stretch and rolling out of bed, you made your way out to the kitchen where draken was already cooking breakfast. he usually did the mornings after emma would go out, which was something you found super sweet for someone who looked like they could body pretty much anyone.

"morning." you yawned sleepily.

"morning. you sleep okay?" draken asked, glancing over at you.

you took a seat at their table, propping your elbow up on the surface and slumping your face into your hand.

"yeah, thanks for taking the couch again."

"no problem. thanks for making sure emma got back safe." he replied before resuming cooking.

not a second later, you heard another pair of footsteps approaching the general living space.

"morning!" you heard emma's voice ring out.

"i didn't think you'd be up so soon." you said.

"i wouldn't too, but i was cold because someone wasn't cuddling me anymore." emma replied, making you laugh and draken shake his head as she took the seat next to you.

"i'm starting to think you prefer sleeping next to her than me." draken said pointedly.

uh oh, you thought as your eyes traveled between them.

"ken, i was obviously kidding. it's not like y/n would eat my -" she started saying before she was interrupted by your phone ringing.

everyone's attention was turned towards your phone as you looked down at the screen. your heart picked up in pace when you saw ran's name on the screen.

you sat there unmoving for a second, wondering whether or not you should answer it or if it was even real in the first place.

"are you going to get that, or?" draken asked expectantly.

"yeah.." you said, picking your phone off the table, standing up and answering it as you took a few steps away into the living room to give emma and draken some space.

"hey." you answered casually.

"hey love. how're you feeling this morning?" ran asked on the other line.

"somehow not hungover. how about you?"

"sleepy." he responded. "did you want to see each other today?"

even though he told you he'd call you, you were still a little relieved he did. a smile crept onto your face, catching the interest of the two other people in the room.

"sure. did you have an activity in mind?" you side eyed emma and draken, who were whispering to each other now. you didn't need to hear what they were saying to know emma was probably filling him in on details of the night before.

"did you want to have dinner with me?" ran prompted.

dinner? not just going over to his place? you were surprised but weren't going to complain.

"that's good with me. did you have a place in mind?"

ran started to speak when you heard draken yell, "what the fuck?!" in the background.

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