New friend??

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[ Third P.O.V ]

While America was in the book store she was looking around trying to find the books she need however little did she know she was being followed by someone that she wouldn't imagine.

As America eyes widen seeing the book section she need she smiled and quickly walked over there as she started looking for the book she has been wanting to read. "Hmm..where is it..where is it.." she said to herself as she kept looking.

She then started looking up as her eyes caught the name of something as she stops and reads it seeing the "King of wrath.." she said as she seen it was way high up.

"Tch" she started to try and reach for it as she kept stretching her arm as it couldn't reach the book level "Tch..this.." she bit her lip annoyed as she started going on her toes trying to increase her hight as it did nothing.

She then decided to start climbing the shelf trying to grab the book "almost got it almost.." She finally had gotten the book as she smiles in achievement as she then freezes sensing a presence. She slowly turns her head to the right as she is met with same guy from the nurse office, America was a bit surprised seeing him here out of all places.

"Vhat are jou doing." he said in his thick accent as he was also raising an eyebrow looking at America as she stays still as she keeps looking at him as she shakes her head "Grabbing a book, what about you." she said still on the shelf.

"Az vell grabbing some books." he said as America nodded in agreement she then started climbing down the shelf "I see, very well then off you go to you-" Just then America stops as slips from the book self as she gasps closing her eyes.

A few seconds pass by as she is ready for the impact as she sees nothing is happening she slowly opens her eyes as she quickly sees she's being held. She turns to the right seeing the guys face as America gasps getting off quickly stumbling a bit. "Tch, I had it no need to help" she said looking up at him.

"Hm, Jou ve're going to fall and hit jour head on dhat point on dhe floor." he said pointing at the sharp corner on the floor as Americans looks at it seeing how pointy it was as she shivers grabbed the back of her head.

"Tch, Still would have had it" she said annoyed she was about to walk away as she stops as she looks at her hands seeing the book was no where to be seen. "What the-" she stops as she looks back up at the shelf as she sees the book she then clenches her fist.

"That's damn book." she said as the guy looked at her with amusement "Do jou need help?" he said looking at her as shook her head no "No, dont need your pity." she said glaring as she looked up at the book glaring.

She dried her hands out seeing they were a bit warm as she then slowly started climbing up trying to reach the corner of the book as she was doing so her eyes catches another glimpse of a few names "Oh my god there here? I thought they were supposed to be launched next year?" she said amazed

She stopped as she seen that they were further up she glared at the books as she bit her lips looking at the book she wanted but also looking at the books she needs desperately.

"Ah.." She was extremely embarrassing ""This damn guy coming in like a fucken genie. Tch. But I really want those fall would be horrible."" she thoughts for a moment "Hm? vhats vrong?" he said knowing a bit whats up.

𝑀𝐼𝑆𝑆   𝐼𝑁𝐷𝐸𝑃𝐸𝑁𝐷𝐸𝑁𝑇Where stories live. Discover now