bleeding out.

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America was running around sweating a bit as she kept calling New Zealand's name "New zealand! where are you!" she yelled once more seeing it was completely dark, the only thing helping her were the street lights and the full moon light.

"New zealand please come out!" she yelled as she tripped falling down on the floor scraping her knees "Augh!" America slowly got up dusting herself off. "Where could you be.." quickly America continued her search for her brother looking for him.

While walking down the streets she stopped by an alley she looked at it while she was breathing a bit heavily, soon her instinct were telling her to walk in just then, she heard talking.

America walks in staying on high alert, "What should we do with this brat." a man said with a raspy voice. America runs quietly behind the trash can easing in on their conversation.

"No, he said he wants him alive, we could use him as bate to get-" Just then Americas eyes widen "You wont get anything out of me!" New Zealand yelled "Now let me go you fucken pricks!"

""New Zealand"" America thought, shocked as to why he was yelling at some guys. America slowly peaked out behind where she was and eyes widen "Shut it you fucker" they said kicking him in the stomach.

To Americas horror she seen New Zealand her baby brother all covered with dirt and blood, he had bruises on his check neck and arms while he was also tied up.

Quickly America went into action not carrying what happens to her, all her focus right now is to get New Zealand to safety. While running in she quickly noticed four guys surrounding her brother.

"Get away from him!" she yelled kicking one of them in the face sending one of them flying to the wall knocking them out. New Zealands eyes widen "Si- M-Ma'am get away from here!"

"Who the fuck is this?!" one of them yelled pulling out a knife. "Who the hell do you think you are bitch?!" another man yelled as they quickly ran over to her "Thats none of your concern!" she yelled punching one of the men in the face causing him to fall back.

Another guy quickly punched America in the back sending her flying to the wall, she pulls away from the wall kicking him. Cause him to bump into the other man which led them to stumble back. "I said get back?! dont you fucken understand?!" she yelled.

"Got ya! You bitch!!" America eyes widen as she felt her leg get grabbed and pulled. "Agh!"quickly hitting the floor, Her hair was then grabbed being pulled back "Ah- Let go!" she yelled

"Tch, you caused a lot of ruckus you fucker." he said pulling her hair more "Leave her alone!!" New Zealand yelled. America looks over at New Zealand fear in his eyes looking over at them.

America tightens her fist, head budding the guy who was pulling her hair, "Hey!" he yelled stumbling back in pain holding his chin. "Your going to pay for that! fucken get her!"

America quickly kicks his leg making him fall back, America then looks at the two other men charging at her. Taking off her shoes/heels she quickly throws it at one of them cause them to groan in pain. "You bitch!"

The other guy tried stabbing America as he lunges at her, quickly grabbing his hand twisting it as she twists her body leaning down sending him flying over her and slamming on to the ground in pain. "You guys disgust me." She said panting quickly turning around to slow to react the man who she kicked early.

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