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(Art by lex_dark_ on twitter they make skk nsfw art)

𝓣𝓸𝓹: Chuuya 

𝓑𝓸𝓽𝓽𝓸𝓶: Dazai 



 Spanking kink. Hair pulling kink.

⚠️If you're sensitive to this then you can leave or skip this chapter⚠️

It was a normal friday evening. Dazai was so bored at the agency... But he was finally home now. He let out a sigh and dropped his stuff down as he opened his apartement door. He stumbled into his bedroom just to flop down on it

| Dazai's Pov |

"Ughhh" I'm so bored... If only someone could atleast tend to hold a double suicide with me... I picked up my phone and dialed a number. A number I knew well. It was chibi's! Maybe he could find a beautiful woman for me! Chibi was quite a magnet for them anyway... 


He didn't answer. What am I kidding? He never answers. I'll just go talk to him then!! 

Dazai found his way to Chuuya's place. Somehow... Chuuya lived in a big penthouse complex bought by the mafia. It's where all the mafia members lived. Dazai never saw it in person. It was pretty big. Dazai knew Chuuya. They knew each other since the age of 15 so that was pretty obvious 

"His favorite number is six isn't it?.."

He snuck in the building which was guarded by two guards. He somehow got around them, no problem for Dazai. He took the elevator and went up to the second floor. 

"Not too shabby for the mafia..."

He walked down the hallway and it didn't take long to find the specific apartment number. He knocked. 

| Dazai Pov |

"What do you want?" I heard an annoyed voice from inside. Chibi's voice!! The door opened "Hey chibi~!" 

"What the fuck are you doing here asshole?!"

I pushed him and let myself in. 

"Not too bad for somebody as messy as you..." I said inspecting the apartement

" Are you calling me messy?!" He squealed. Typical chibi..


"What do you want dumbass."

"Can chibi do me a favor~~?"

"No. Now get out!"

"Pleaseeeeee~?" I begged.


"Do you think you can find me a beautiful woman to commit a double suicide with me~?"


"Yep chibi!"

"Well the answer is no mackerel. NOW GET OUT."  He said trying to push me out the door.

"And what if I don't~?" I said slamming the door shut.

"Well as far as I know, You're not staying here. So out!"

"Nuh uh!" I slumped down onto his couch and layed down. 

He was so pissed. I love annoying Chibi! It's actually entertaining. He grabbed me by my collar.

''Out." He said. 

"But I don't wannaaa~!!" I started pouting, He grunts.

"I bet the reason you won't find me a beautiful woman is because you don't know any!!" 

Chuuya looked offended. 


"I'm saying exactly that!" I said with a smug smile on my face. 

"I bet you can't even fuck!" I yelled out


"As if!!"

He pushed me down on the couch, towering over me. " You want proof then? Since you think I can't. Tell me bandages." He whispers in my ear. His shallow breathing tickles my skin. Sending shivers down my spine. Chibi never acted like this... I was the one to usually tease him... I looked away a bit flustered. "Answer me bandages. And look at me when I'm talking to you" He says pulling my hair on the back of my head slightly to make me face him. "C-chuuya let go-" I mumbled out. He put his thumb on my bottom lip.He came in closer, I could feel his breath tickle my lips as he was pushing me down slowly onto the couch. His body in between my legs. He spreads them lightly, making me blush. He bit my neck and slid his hand up my shirt. " Chuu..A-ah~!" I covered my mouth, crimson red. I've never aknowleged how sensitive my neck was until now. "What was that? Speak up." He began to touch my nipples. "Haah...~ F-fuck... C-chuu-ya..~"

He bit on my neck harder this time. He took off my shirt. It felt embarassing to be exposed to him like this. I've never felt like this. This feeling...

He lifted my legs onto his shoulders. "Can I?" I stayed silent for a moment just blushing. He was asking to fuck me. Chuuya Nakahara is asking to fuck me. I nodded slowly. If I liked it did that mean I wanted it? I've fucked before but I was never the one to get fucked. Was it gonna hurt? I was so nervous. He slowly undid my belt and took of my pants and his till we were only left in our boxers. "C-chuuya.. I-is it gonna hurt?" I asked silently. "It's only gonna hurt for a little bit. Okay~? I won't go too rough since it's your first time." He said in a caring tone landing a gentle kiss on my forehead. "How do you know it's my first time?" 

"It's written all over your face. It's litteraly so obvious."

I blushed.

"You can go on now.."

He took of my boxers then his. It was kinda embarassing being fully exposed like this but I got used to it. " Do you want prep?" I nodded no. He slid it in slowly causing me to let out a few whimpers. "Every place I touch you make a different sound~..." He ran his finger along my tip and began stroking me slowly. The only sound in the room was the sound of fapping/clapping and my moans and whimpers "Gh..~ Ngh~! C-chuu... AH~! O-oh~..." He entered me slowly but hadn't started moving for me to get used to him in me. "It's okay now I mumbled out" He started at an ok pace moving faster and faster. I started getting louder and louder. As this point I was practically screaming

"AH~! C-chuuya~!! FuCk~!"

"Fucking christ you're tight~..." He bit his lip

He spanked me and pulled my hair going rougher and rougher

"You like that don't you? Fucking slut~!

"I-Im gonna cum..." I said as I reached my climax. I plopped my head down on the couch armrest panting. He cummed and pulled out of me. 

"Hah. Bottom-"

"Shut up... Chuuya I feel sticky~..."

"Ok. Ok. I'll go warm up a bath for us..."

Did Chuuya just fuck me?

Hope you liked it lol. Not my first time writin smut. I update slow tho so yeh

- Author xoxo

1052 words 

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