|| Bottoming ||

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𝓣𝓸𝓹: Chuuya

𝓑𝓸𝓽𝓽𝓸𝓶: Dazai 


 ♡ Includes ♡

Soukoku Switch 🤭, Whoreknee Chuuya, Hair pulling, Sexualization of Masochism, Degradage, Some praise if you squint hard enough, I'm so fuckin sleep deprived its litterally 1am and I randomly got a story idea lmao (I only slept 2 hours yesterday AHHHH) Gentle to rough 🎀. Teasing, Nick names, Flirty Chuuya 🍷

Alsho- This is like the normal AU where Dazai is always top (Atleast not today 😈)

⚠️Don't like, Don't read (Simple 🥰) ⚠️

Dazai was bored. Bored. Really, really bored.  Chuuya was going to be back from work soon so Dazai was alone. He'd already finished his shift at the agency so he was just reading. There was a key sound at the door and it swung open. A redhead walked in and took off his shoes and his hat. "You look mad. Something happen Chibi-kun~?" Dazai asked setting down his book. "I'm not in the mood stupid bastard." 

"Aww~ Chibi is mad~ What's wrong~?"

"A mission just didn't go as planned. Leave me alone."

"You seem stressed~! Do you want me to fuck you~?" Dazai asked, his legs dangling in the air as he layed on the couch on his stomach, admiring chuuya as a mischevious smirk plastered across his face. Chuuya chuckled. "I have another idea." He said walking away into their bedroom. Dazai tilted his head slightly. Confused. He followed after him. As soon as Dazai walked in the room he was immediately slammed against the wall. "I, want to fuck you~." Dazai turned red. He'd never gotten fucked by Chuuya before.

|| Dazai POV ||

"You want to fuck me..?" I questioned. "Just that bastard~" No way!! He is not topping me! 

"NUH UH!" I blurted out before I got pushed into a rough kiss. Both of our tongues fighting for dominance. His grip of my collar was strong since he was pulling me down to his level. He pulled away and let go of my collar letting me tumble onto the floor and blush, flustered. "You're so cute all flustered y'know~?" He smirked and lifted my chin to meet his gaze. I quickly turned my head away. "St-stop..."

Chuuya kneeled down onto the ground onto my level and moved my bandages and bit my neck. I moaned out quietly as he left marks. "Hngh~" 

"You sound just as pretty as you look, Osamu~"

I blushed. He called me Osamu. Why was that such a turn-on? He pulled me by the collar and threw me onto the bed. Despite our height difference, he was stronger than me and I was lighter than him. He shuffled off my brown coat and started slowly unbuttoning my blouse. "Ch-chuuya..." After he stripped me he began to do himself. He bit my inner thigs hard and began leaving hickeys and bite marks all over my body. Once he was done I was left a panting mess. He smirked, almost as if he wasadmiring his work. He took out his phone and snapped a photo. I didn't protest. With my boxers still on, he grabbed the fabric in between his teeth and pulled it down revealing my hard-on. "Does my pretty boy like my teasing that much~?" He said running his finger across my cock gently. "Now~ I want you to be a good boy and beg for me to fuck you." I pouted slightly. "Nuh uh." I crossed my arms. Did I want it? Why did I? I wanted his touch for some reason. "...I.. w-wa..." I stuttered at my own embarassment

"Speak up, Osamu~"

He whispered in my ear. My breath hitched. Holy fuck he was hot. My dick twitched, wanting attention. "Ch-chuuya p-please ngh~ f-fuck me... Please...~" He smirked and lined himself up with me. "Now what's the magic words~?"

"Ch-chuuya...I want you in m-me please... Just put your cock in me~.... Pleasee~" I moaned out, needy. He shoved himself in me. "You're tight~... I like that~..." I threw my head back. I could feel him throb inside me. "Do you feel me in you~? Are you feeling me pace through you~? Osamu~?" He hit my velvet walls aggresivelly. He began pacing at a faster pace but hit my prostate. "Mhmhh~! Ch-chuu~!...." I yelled out and covered my mouth. "I found it~" He began abusing that spot. I threw my head back and moaned loudly at every thrust. "F-fuckk~!" 

"Look at that you fucking whore... The way your hole sucks around my cock like that... haah...~" He started fucking me senseless. Lost in lust. I was stuck in between moans. I gripped on the bedsheets roughly with him gripping onto my hand tightly (The image 🤭). 

"Mmm~ AhNgh~~!" I gasped out loudly as he gripped onto my wrists tighter and thrusted faster.

"I-Im gOnna C-cum~!" I said in between breaths. He slammed into me harder and I came onto my stomach. He came after me and we both stayed there panting. 

"Can I eat you out~?"

I blinked three times in a row. "WHAT." I flushed red. "It was just a question jeez." 

"I've...You've never done that before..."

"Because I've never topped you before? Are you dumb..?" I crossed my arms and pouted slightly. 

"Jerk." I muttered out. "Sit on my face~"He immediatelly commanded. I grunted and did as told

"Good boy..~"

His hand ran along my inner thigh as I felt his tongue start to tease me. "C-Chuuya..." Unexpectedly he started to eat me out aggressively as I gripped onto the bedsheets. "MHp~! Chuuya! I-I'm gonna cum~!" He let go. "Sit." He pointed at his empty lap, licking his lips with a teasy grin plastered on his face

I sat on his lap as his hand became in contact with my still erect dick and he rubbed his against mine. "MMmM~! So..hot... C-Chuuya~!" I blushed as he cummed at the same time as me, breath heavy. 

"You have clean up the mess you made..~" He pulled me in close getting a bit of cum off his chest and sliding it onto my tongue. I blushed and began to lick the remaining cum off his dick and chest. "You're so fucking hot." 

"I know"

૮ ˙Ⱉ˙ ა rawr!

Yes Yes I KNOW. I've been Gone. My school years coming to an end soon and i'm focusing on my studies. That wont stop me tho 😏 MAKING PT.2 FOR FLOWERS DONT WORRY YALL 😝 NRJDBVHJGBD LOVE YOU POOKIES (IM FAMOUS!!!!!)

1050 Words

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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