|| Punishment. ||

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𝓣𝓸𝓹: Chuuya

𝓑𝓸𝓽𝓽𝓸𝓶: Dazai

Smut 🌶


Hair pulling kink, Knife play, Overstimulation, Sexualisation of Masochism, Rough sex, Blindfolds, Degradage kink, Sex toys

⚠️If you're sensitive to this then you can leave⚠️

|| Dazai POV ||

I woke up. The light was dim and it was dusty. The walls were dark and the only light in the room was an old fashioned lamp hanging from the ceiling. There was a table against one of the walls. There seemed to be stuff on it but it was covered with a cloth. The room wasn't too big. But at the same time it wasn't that small. I noticed the red rope holding me up tied to the ceiling. It was tight. Tight enough for me to not be able to break through it. The person that got me here knew that... I heard the door open which was behind me. A few steps. I couldn't turn around. It was surely the mafia that captured me again. Since I could easily identify the room I was in was a cellar. One of the many under the mafia building. I felt two pairs of cold hands run against my hips, waist and thigs. I shivered and gritted my teeth feeling the freezing cold aura run down my veins. I looked down and noticed my beige coat. I felt a silky peice of fabric cover my eyes. I felt a faint touch of fabric on my lower lip. The person was wearing gloves... I felt my pant pulled down and my shirt slowly unbuttoned as I was slowly stripped from head to toe except for my bandages. I crossed my legs to I heard the sound of fabric falling to the floor followed by the sound of footsteps and then a feeling of something entering me. I gasped and looked down at the sudden entering and blushed lightly.

I heard a faint clicking sound followed by a vibration inside my rear end. I gasped out. I lifted my legs and gritted my teeth and moaned loudly as the vibrator was turned up. 

"HaaAAh~.... AhhhHHh~! Nghhhaa~.... NnnnNN~....."

 I felt the vibrations throughout my whole body. Suddenly I felt a sharp object caress against my skin. It cut right through it, it was a knife. I blushed crimson red as I felt it enter my skin. A first grasped a handful of my hair making me scream out in pain and pleasure. 

"How disgusting. You moan with no shame~ What slutty behavior for a man....~"

"HaAh... GuhhHh~...! AaaAHHhh~! NGhh~HHH~!" The knife cut me all over, repassing over my thigs and legs. It caused me to shake and whimper in shame and lust. How did they know I was a masochist.... That voice... I knew it... But who? It's like my brain was completely wiped clean. I arched my back as the vibrator was turned on more. 

"We'll stay like this for a bit until you learn your lesson... Sounds fair~?"

⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆

It's been an hour or so. I was there my dick soaking in cum as a cock ring was on it, preventing me from ejaculating. My blindfold was soaked with tears of lust and desire. It hurt. 

"HuuhHh~ guHhhH~ A-ahHhHHhH~!"

 I moaned out by my abused throat. My whole bottom half was in pain, my whole throbbing and my dick dripping with seed. I craved touch, I wanted touch. I tried countless times to try to free myself from this sexual torture, or atleast to try to touch myself but any sort of attempt seemed useless. It hurt so much. Being not able to get what I wanted, or atleast do what I wanted.


"Would you like to say something~?" 

"Pl-plea- a-ahhH~h~-sEe~ T-touch M-mEe~ I b-beg of Y-YoU~"

"I did quite enjoy this show that you were giving me... so you do atleast deserve some type of thanks, no~?"

I heard a faint chuckle and shackles as footsteps followed as the person came next to me. I felt handcuffs tighten around my wrists and a gag was inserted in my mouth as tears kept falling as the vibrator was still abusing my hole at max speed. The blindfold fell to the ground. I had no energy to look up. I could already recognize the figure by the choice of footwear. Chuuya. He lifted up my face by the chin and looked at me as I let out breathy moans and whimpers as I tried to avoid his possesive gaze by staring at the floor, my face still facing his. 

"You're so pretty when you cry~ Do you know that Osamu~?"

He went behind me and slowly began to touch my thigs. I was so impatient. It felt so fucking good as he touched me. I loved it. He slowly inserted himself in me. I blushed and panicked as I noticed he didn't take out the vibrator. He wanted to break me. "I'm gonna tear this pretty,little,tight pink hole of yours~ Tear it right open Osamu~" He started going in and out at mercyless pace. He didn't even start slow. I screamed out in pleasure as I felt him hit my prostate over and over again. Chuuya knew my hole better than anyone else. "C-ChuuYaA~!!" I could feel him throbbing inside of me. I loved it. The thought of him in me made me a slutty mess anywhere I was. I tensed up like crazy as he slowly began to touch my throbbing dick removing the cock ring ever so slowly. I was going crazy, crazy over Chuuya. Even if he was a few months older than me he was more bigger than me. He gripped on my hair tight grasping a fistfull of hair going faster than before. He removed the gag. "AHA~ AH! AH~! NGH~! AHhAHAH~!" I coudn't help but scream and moan. He spanked me and held onto my hips so damn tight. The thought of his dick going in my boypussy made my mind go eratic. "AH~ AH~! CHhuUYAA~! FuCk~!" "THAT'S WHAT YOU LIKE HUH?! FUCKING SLUT!" How was he keeping up he hit my ass harder and harder. The grip on my hip got stronger. Tears rolled down my red cheeks as I moaned loud. He began to stroke me fast as the cock ring was fully removed. I moaned loud as I came. He came deep inside me. I panted heavily as he got out of me.

"Thats.. Ah.. gonna be a pain to clean out of myself..." I said between breaths. He undid the ropes. The ropes left marks all over my body. I couldn't feel my hole. He removed the vibrator, covered in cum. "All fours." He said looking at me. I did as told. He got on my level and slowly licked around my abused and tore up hole. His tounge slowly entered. He licked all around the wet and tore up cavern. There wasn't a spot left untouched as his toungue moved around everywhere. I let out soft and tired whimpers at the feeling. He took it out a bit later "There, now you won't have to clean. I just licked it out."




"I was a punishment, you let anyone into that hole of yours. Either it's for your own benefits or someone else's. You'd do it for a benefit of someone else. You love helping people. I just wanted you to know that you're mine. An if you let anyone else touch you again, i'm going to fuck you until morning. You got it?"


"Now come on. I'm bringing us back put on your clothes."


I smiled softly. 

"Thank you..."

♡₊˚ 🦢・₊ ♪ ✧


⸜(。//˃ ᵕ ˂// )⸝♡  


1300 WORDS (HELP ME PLEASE IM BEING HELD AT GUNPOINT) (Im jk btw dont take that srssly bc I yea >o<)

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