𝙩𝙬𝙚𝙡𝙫𝙚. megumi gets a scolding

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"No, there's absolutely no way!" Y/N exclaimed.

"It's faster this way! Come on just hold on to me" the blindfolded man insisted.

"Gojo, this is one thing I don't wanna try!"

"There's always a first time, don't worry I'll make sure you won't get hurt" he reiterates.

"Gojo, if I fall, I swear!" Y/N glared at him.

"I will catch you then!" He says yet Y/N still hesitates.

"Come on, think about the three kids! We're wasting time"

Y/N groaned and closed her eyes. "Fine!" She says.

On what they were arguing, is Gojo's suggestion of teleporting the both of them to Jujutsu High.

Gojo suddenly wrapped his arms around her which made her flustered. But when she opened her eyes they were floating in the sky.


"I didn't know you're afraid of heights, Y/N" he almost let out a laugh.

"I'm not! But this is too much! I thought we're heading to Jujutsu High? Why are we on the sky?!"

"We are already here. I just wanted to see if there are suspicious curses around. Alright hold on tight" he says and God knows how Y/N held Gojo as if her life depended on him.

And true to his words, they're now on the grounds of Jujutsu High, specifically outside the clinic.

"You're warm" Gojo chuckled and Y/N immediately let go of him.

"T-this isn't the first time we hugged!" She said, almost stumbling due to the effect of making contact with gravity once again.

Gojo managed to support her and was about to make a comment when someone called for them.

"Gojo-san! Y/N-san! Please forgive me!" A short blonde haired woman bowed 90 degrees at them.

"Nitta, what happened?" Gojo asked.

"I lost them, and then I just found after that they fought special grade curses under the Yasohachi Bridge." She nervously spoke, still bowing.

"Please explain further" Y/N said.

"Fushiguro-kun went alone, yet Itadori and Kugisaki decided to go with him, they did exorcise the special grade curses, yet Fushiguro..."

Y/N immediately swung the door of the clinic open and there she saw Megumi's sleeping figure, while Yuji and Nobara were eating.

"Y/N sensei!" They recognized.

"You! You three what did you do?" She pointed at them, trying her best not to raise her voice because Megumi might wake up.

Nobara and Yuji both looked at each other, then to Megumi's sleeping figure.

"Ah hehe"

"Yo! Why's my boy Megumi beaten up?" Gojo casually went in.

"He exorcised a special grade all by himself" Nobara replied.

"Really?!" He exclaimed which now woke the boy up. This made Y/N stare at him with a blank face.

'After all of my efforts not to wake him up' she sighed.

"Gojo sensei, shut up"

"Ah, you're well now" Gojo grinned and tapped his shoulder which made Megumi flinch in pain.

"Gojo" Y/N glared at him, her voice laced with a warning tone.

"Oops" he made a peace sign.

Y/N then turned to the boy. "Megumi, you shouldn't have went on your own, you three should not have left your supervisor" Y/N started. "What would have happened if..." Y/N didn't continue speaking as she dreaded the thought.

"I especially never thought you'd be the one to defy your supervisor, Megumi. Think about yourself sometimes too"

"I'm sorry, Y/N-sensei" Megumi apologized.

"We're sorry too Y/N-sensei" Both Nobara and Yuji said.

"Come on, don't scold them, they just did what they had to do." Gojo said. "You all exorcised special grades, and I heard you have done a domain expansion, Megumi. I'm so proud!"

"Gojo!" Y/N exclaimed.

'He's spoiling them at this point'

"Y/N relax, what's important is they're alive" he swung his arms around her shoulder, but Y/N took his arms off her.

"Yes, but you all shouldn't do that again" Y/N firmly stated. "I don't know what would I have done had you all three..." she shut her mouth once again, this made Gojo's smile falter.

A vague memory of Y/N's previous students coming back to Jujutsu High after a mission and no longer living, came across her mind.

Gojo vividly remembers how she never went out of her room for three days to mourn for their deaths, and not even him could comfort her at those times as she completely shut everyone out. So he understands where she's coming from now. After all, those were her first students, and the impact of losing them was really bad.

"Just don't ever lose your life along those missions. Got it?" Y/N looked at each of them one by one, and they all nodded in response. Too scared to speak a word and look at her glare.

"Go rest, you need more energy" she said and walked out first, trying to calm herself down.

Gojo and the three students just stared at her back until she was no longer in their sights.

"She's not angry, she's just worried about you, don't worry" Gojo said to them and ruffled their hairs.

"Heal up fast kiddos, the five of us are still going to dinner together"


On her way out, Y/N came across the principal walking towards the clinic.

"Yaga-sensei, don't scold them too much" Y/N said first as she knows he will definitely lecture the three, just like Gojo, Geto and Shoko when they were still his students.


"I will scold them, but not today" the man replied which made Y/N quite confused on why he is here now.

"I'm here to look for you" he said and sighed, he looks like he doesn't want to say it, as if what he is going to say will make things worse.

"Huh? Why?" Y/N suddenly had a bad feeling. Something's definitely not right.

"You need to come with me to my office. A very important matter needs to be discussed." Yaga said.

This made her furrow her eyebrows in confusion once more. For Yaga to look and come for her personally, means the matter at hand is definitely something serious. But why her? She didn't recall doing something that would offend the higher-ups, as far as she can remember, she has done all of her missions successfully.

And she isn't Gojo. Why would she be called in the principal's office?

"What? Why? I didn't do anything"

Yaga just sighed, he can no longer keep the information much longer.

"Your real family...has come for you"


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