𝙨𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙚𝙣. sealed

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"I'm the only one the can get through all the veils"

Y/N's rapid heartbeat did not calm down the moment they've set foot in Shibuya.

Upon initially learning that there are two veils in the station, one not allowing ordinary people to escape and the other not allowing jujutsu sorcerers to enter or those with cursed energy, meant only one thing: Only Y/N could pass through it all due to her ability to be able to manipulate her cursed energy level.

She was running so fast she went in the veil of the subway station without hearing Maki shout at her.

"Y/N-sensei wait!"

Or rather she chose not to listen to her because there's only one thing that's running in her mind: get to Gojo and save him from getting sealed.

Every narrative of Maki and Mechamaru's last message, the recent news of the prison realm being stolen, and Gojo being impossible to be defeated and exorcised by even special grade curses, led her to the conclusion that whoever is behind these things, is going to seal Gojo instead, in order to keep him away.

If they could not kill him, they would just seal him.

But the question now is, who would have the audacity do this to the renowned strongest jujutsu sorcerer?

Y/N excused herself from the crowd of people that were trapped in the train station and tried tracing Gojo's cursed energy. After being with him for years, she has already distinguished his curse energy among others.

"What the heck Gojo" she cursed upon realizing that his cursed energy went through the middle in the open area of the station. Meaning, he floated from above and went his way down without going through the stairs.

Sometimes Y/N hates this technique of his, because only he could do that.

No time to lose, Y/N hurriedly went to the lowest floor underground. She has a very bad feeling about everything that has been going on. In every step she makes, her heartbeat races faster than before.

She let out all of her pent up emotions on her fights with the curses along the way, she threw blades after blades, needles after needles, sliced curse after curse, all while trying her best to protect the lives of the people and not let them get caught in this mess.

Special grade sorcerer, Zen'in Y/N was full on rage.

'I hope I'm not too late. I hope I'm not too late' she prayed repeatedly.

"Gojo don't you dare get sealed!" She exclaimed as she rained spearheads over the curses in front of her.

"This is in the way" Y/N panted heavily as she took off her mask and threw it aside. She tried catching her breath before she proceeded.

Wary of every second that counts, Y/N sped up to where Gojo was and the amount of bloodied corpse and transfigured-humans was enough to make Y/N's heart shatter when she saw it all.

Y/N knows all too well how Gojo must have done his best to save as many lives as he can but to no avail. The number of bodies lying here only meant that Gojo was left in a dilemma, or cornered that he had no choice but to sacrifice more than what he estimated.

"No...no, no, no" Y/N tried to brush off her thoughts away and tried to stay rational, that is—until she turned her body and finally spotted where Gojo was, yet just as she was about to take a step forward, she saw the prison realm open, and what shocked her the most is seeing Geto alive.

"Impossible...I've seen it in my own eyes...Geto...no, what's happening?" Y/N got so confused and shocked at the same time that she could not move, all of the events in her high school days with Gojo and Geto suddenly replayed in her mind.

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