Chapter 34

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A/N - when i started this i did not expect to write a 4000-word chapter but here we are, this is the first time i am posting my own smut and would like to thank

for proofing it for me and helping me out

I found myself in Travis's spacious bed, the softness of the sheets cocooning me. Normally, his absence wouldn't startle me; it was routine for him to stay in a hotel the night preceding a game. But this time, something felt different. His presence was a balm, and waking up alone in his vast bedroom felt hollow, as if the warmth that usually lingered there had dissipated overnight.

I stirred, my breaths shallow and ragged, the air thick with an unexplained heaviness. It was an ungodly hour, the room cloaked in the quiet of pre-dawn. Tears traced paths down my cheeks, each droplet feeling like a tangible weight on my skin.

The dim moonlight filtering through the curtains cast ethereal patterns on the walls, dancing in tandem with the tears that fell in sync. The room, usually a haven, now seemed cavernous and desolate.

I reached out to my phone, illuminated by the faint glow from the nightstand. The clock mocked me with its early hour—4 AM. Travis wasn't here, and the emptiness in the room echoed the ache within me.

Breathing became a challenge, the air thick and constricting. Panic began to claw its way up my chest, threatening to overwhelm me entirely. I fought for control, but the emotional weight pressed down, suffocating in its intensity.

The absence of Travis beside me felt like an unbearable void, amplifying the fear that had taken root within me. Tears streamed down my face as I struggled to compose myself, the sobs coming in quiet, ragged gasps.

The hours seemed to stretch endlessly as I lay there, a whirlwind of emotions swirling within. The solitude of the room only heightened the sense of desolation, the silence deafening in its emptiness. I longed for Travis's comforting presence, his soothing words, his reassuring touch.

In the dim twilight of the early morning, the sound of Travis's key turning in the lock resonated through the silence, his footsteps feather-light as he entered our home. Normally, at this hour, the house would have slumbered peacefully, undisturbed by the stirrings of the day. But today was different. Today, my world had been upended by a tumult of emotions, and the tranquility of the morning seemed like an eerie contrast to the turmoil within me.

As the door creaked open, I lay curled in Travis's bed, shrouded by the shadows of the room.

As soon as he noticed me awake shaking and crying he came running over to me,

"Tay," He said calmingly kissing my head and holding me still. "You're okay, Breathe with me," He said quietly in my ear and helping me take deep breaths.

"I'm sorry," I choked as my tears slowed down and my breathing became more stedy.

"It's okay love, you're okay." He said pulling me onto him holding me as tight as he could without hurting me. "I am right here." He said quietly brushing his lips over my ear.

We sat there for at least half an hour in a comfortable silence until he broke it.

"When did you wake up love?" He asked his voice calming me even more.

"About 4," I said quietly as the tiredness I was feeling hit me.

"Do you want to go back to sleep for an hour or so," He asked me as he laid down.

"Can you stay?" I asked, I didn't want to be on my own.

"I can stay for an hour then I need to start getting ready." I nodded and laid down next to him, I pushed myself into him and let him hold me.

call it what you want | Taylor Swift X Travis KelceWhere stories live. Discover now