"The First Look" 🌱

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"In a world of strangers, we find our way,
Introductions spark, like sun on a new day."

It was in the middle of the 6th year. Everyone was in the great hall, and the feast was about to start. Yn was sitting on the Slytherin table with Pansy. Pansy was busy talking with Enzo, and Yn was reading a novel waiting for the feast to start.

Yn's Pov:-
God, when is the feast about to start? I was hungry af. Pansy was busy talking to Enzo . I don't understand why they just don't date already. They've been flirting from the 3rd grade. Draco was staring at Astoria like an idiot .Blaise and Theodore had a hopeless romantic life like me, but the difference was that i chose to be a hopeless romantic . I looked over to the Griffindor table and saw Harry, Hermione, and Ron laughing their ass off about something. Sometimes, i wish that i was a Griffindor, but the idiots of Slytherin were just enough for me.Just as I was about to pass out of hunger, the feast started. It looked delicious, and I was gonna dig right in when Dumbledore stopped us and made an announcement. God, I hate when this happens.

"Students, I have an announcement to make. Today, we have a new student joining us. I want you all to welcome him with all your heart and avoid misconceptions."

A student, in the middle of the
semester. That was unusual.

" Please welcome Mattheo Riddle."

I was startled and shocked when I heard his name. A RIDDLE was transferred to the school. Many questions popped into my head. Why would they let him in? Who was he? Was he related to Tom Riddle? Was he the child of Voldemort that everyone was talking about?
My mind flooded with thoughts. I didn't even know him, and I already hated him. Soon, he entered the hall. He was tall and looked mysterious. He made his way towards Dumbledore. He walked asthough there was no one in the room and acted as though it was all not new to him. As he was passing by, we made eye contact for quite a few seconds. I hate to admit it, but he was very VERY attractive, probably the most attractive person I had ever seen. Captivating hazel eyes with flecks of green and gold, curls falling perfectly on his face giving him a playful appearance yet he looked mysterious. My Intrusiveness told me to read his mind like i always read others , but i couldn't. This had never happened to me before but I pushed that aside as i didnt want anything else on my mind right now. I probably didn't try properly yet as I looked into his eyes my gut clenched, a silent warning that something was amiss, urging me to tread carefully.

Mattheo Riddle's Pov:-
I entered the hall, and as I expected, everyone already seemed to hate me. There were whispers everywhere, but I tried to ignore that and started to make my way to Dumbledore. My gaze wandered aimlessly until it landed upon her. A girl, with an air of mystery, caught my eye. Her sparkling eyes seemed to hold a story untold. In that instant, I couldn't help but be captivated by her presence,. She looked at me with so much hate in her eyes, so I looked right back, standing my ground. I soon walked over to the sorting and sat down, and Dumbledore placed it on me. I am pretty sure I looked quite hideous wearing it. A few seconds passed, and as expected, I was sorted in Slytherin. I walked over and sat with Theodore, who was an old friend I knew pretty well. It was good to have him.

Yn's Pov:-
Whatever just happened was too much to take in. I couldn't hold it in anymore, so I asked Pansy about him. Pansy didn't know much about him either, but to my horror, she told me that he was Tom Riddle's son. I suddenly felt light-headed. I looked around and saw Harry and his friends just as concerned as I was. The son of the person who killed my parents was sorted into the same house as me, and now, I will see his hideous ( yet attractive) face after I wake up every day. Just perfect. After the feast, I headed straight to my dorm to get some rest. One thing that was flowing in my veins was the eurge for revenge.

Mattheo Riddle's Pov:-
I looked across the table and saw the same girl staring at me, and when she saw me looking at her, she stood up and went away. I was quite curious about her and how she came to hate me, so I asked Theodore about her. " I see you took an immediate interest in her. We call her the Slytherin Princess, but let me tell you one thing. You might not want to come near her."

" And why is that?"

"Her name is Yn, and she is the sister of Harry Potter, and she is a mindreader. She probably hates you because of the fact that your father killed her parents."
I was flabbergasted when I heard that she was a mindreader. I understood the reason behind the hate in her eyes.
This year was gonna be interesting.

"A potter, in Slytherin?" I asked

"Yeah, but don't underestimate her. If she wanted, she could tear you into shreds."

"I highly doubt that"

_The Tension In Between Us_ 🥀🍷🏹 Mattheo RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now