♡《Midnight Encounter》♡

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Under the moon's soft glow, secrets unfold,
A midnight encounter, a story yet untold.
Whispers carried on the gentle breeze,
Two souls entwined, lost in the night's ease.

It was late at night after all the classes ended, and it was way past the curfew.

Yn's Pov:-
I couldn't sleep all night, and I kept overthinking everything. I usually go to the astronomy tower to clear my mind, and this time, I was gonna do the same. I put on sweater and headed out . It was gonna be tricky not to get caught by any of the professors, but it surely was possible.

Mattheo Riddle's Pov:-
I slyly came out of my dorm and out of the common room. It was gonna be difficult not to be caught by the professors, so I had to be careful .
I made my way to the corridors. I walked and walked in order to find the room of requirements, but the problem was that I didn't know how or where to find it. I suddenly heard footsteps coming towards me. I hid myself behind a wall so I wouldn't be caught. As I was hiding, I saw Professor Snape pass by, and I took a sigh of relief when he went away. I decided to continue going where I was when I heard footsteps again , but they were different this time. I made my way to an enclosed space nearby and hid myself in there. I felt like I was in a play of cat and mouse with the professors when I saw Professor Mcgonagall passing by me. When she went away, I slowly got out of there and continued exploring the corridors of Hogwarts. Yet again, footsteps were heard by me. This time, I made my way into a class and hid behind a door. To my horror , someone entered the same exact door, and when I looked, I saw the person I least expected. Yn was entering the same class I was hiding in. She didn't see me there, and entered the class. I suddenly closed the door behind her, and she flinched hard and looked at me shockingly.

Yn's pov:-
" Fuck " I almost screamed as I saw Mattheo Riddle

"What on Earth are you doing here ..?" Mattheo asked

"I could ask you the same question .."

"Were you following me ..?"

"Why the fuck would I feel the need to follow you Mattheo Riddle..?"

As we stared at each other in awe breathing deeply , we heard footsteps steps approaching this room. Mattheo tightly held on to my arm and quickly led me to big cabinet that was usually empty and we both got in there. He pinned me to the cabinet wall and put his hand on my mouth , restricting me from making a single sound or movement. Mattheo was very close to me, and I could hear his breath vibrating in my chest. Mattheo maintained very sharp eye contact, due to which my knees felt very weak, and I felt like I couldn't breathe. I felt like I was lost in his eyes, and i just couldn't look away. He made me feel something I had never felt before. A feeling I had never encountered. A feeling that made my body shiver and my knees weak. He made me feel something else, entirely.

Mattheo Riddle's Pov:-
It was the first time in my life that I had seen Yn with no hate in her eyes.
She had never looked at me like this.
She seemed lost in her thoughts. The fact that made me concerned was that she wasn't breathing. The footsteps soon went away .

"I think you forgot to breathe,
Princess. "

She soon broke eye contact and took a deep breath. I opened the cabinet's door and got out. Yn followed.

" So what exactly are you doing here ..?"
She asked

"None of your business."

I suddenly heard a loud thud from behind, and when I looked , I saw the door to the Room Of Requirements appearing on one of the walls. The thud was loud enough to be heard by anyone near the room. The professors could enter this very room any second .YN and I both shared a look and entered the door without wasting a second, and then the door disappeared behind us .

_The Tension In Between Us_ 🥀🍷🏹 Mattheo RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now