Part Two: Chapter Thirteen: Islamorada Island, Florida, December 1998

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"It ain't my fault if she gave it up so fuckin' easily." Fredo's son, Matteo, regaled many at Nadia's party as a group of people stood near one of the three fire pits in her giant courtyard.

She had designed it all and it was all as gaudy as one might expect, leading Kirah to the same conclusion. It was all unnecessary frivolity and one of the many things she despised about Nadia, though she'd be reserved to keep her opinion to herself as she sat right next to her. Around the sides of the fire pit which they sat around as others at the party danced or carried their own conversations elsewhere were red lawn chairs set in front of another pit encircling the area. Each fire pit was the same and around them outside of the second tier on the upper, ground floor stood other party goers, their feet occasionally brushing the back of Kirah's chair as they danced.

Although, one foot in particular hit the back of her head and she sat forward as she closed the book she'd been reading. Kirah set aside her wine and peeked back at the person in question, some unnamed foot soldier of Matteo who was only there to serve as more protection. Before she could do or say anything, he shuffled back from the woman with whom he was dancing and nearly hit Kirah's face this time. She stood to ask if he could scoot his dancing further from the edge, annoyed that her facade of reading had been interrupted when she was trying to keep her ears peeled for the inevitable operation she knew Ethan and his crew would enact soon enough.

Before she even had the chance to say a thing, all of a sudden Nadia was latching onto the man and slamming him into the fire pit. He screamed and scrambled to get out of the bolstering embers as Kirah scurried backward. All around the fire leapt to their feet, but none dared cross Nadia by helping him as the entire party fell silent save for the music raging overhead. Nadia grabbed the scruff of the man's lapel and hoisted him from the fire, only to slam him against the wall of the second tier.

As he coughed and the music was turned down, Nadia knelt down in front of him with Matteo at her side. "Be careful not to hurt my things." She grasped his throat and began squeezing, turning his gasps into wheezing. "Is that understood?"

Upon his nod, she released him and he was ushered away. "Turn the music back up." Matteo ordered as he draped an arm around the backs of Nadia's shoulders and led her back to her perch. She bent down and grabbed the book Kirah had been reading from the floor, handing it to her with a raised eyebrow. Matteo glanced around at everyone nearby and threw his hands into the air. "I said turn the music up. Let's party!"

Those in the area cheered and went back to their conversations or dancing, the smell of tequila and beer filling the air as those around grew even more imbibed. Kirah felt a hand on hers and she glanced at its source to find Nadia having sat back down, looking up at her.

"Come sit down."

"I just need to use the bathroom. I'll be quick."

After giving her a sidelong glance, Nadia nodded and let her hand go. Taking her book with her, Kirah made her way past the fire pits, the heated pool holding many party goers, and made it to the verandah. There at its sliding glass doors supported with gold plated metal beams, Kirah stood holding its handle as she peered back over her shoulder. Nadia was already engrossed in a conversation with Matteo and Kirah turned her gaze over the crowd nearer herself. Registering no one was watching her, she slipped into the small pathway that led between the verandah and the pool shed attached to the mansion.

Finally out of sight of prying eyes for the first time all day, she maneuvered her way through the small opening until it split into the long driveway at the back of the house leading toward the coast. She hustled her way down its length until she was at the back gate of the compound and opened the key box. Inputting the code necessary, Kirah walked through the gates as they parted, but the guards nearby noticed her.

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