Part Two: Epilogue: University Hospital Galway, Ireland, May 2003

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"Yes, you're doing great, Ava." Kirah complemented her latest patient who was only a toddler. She'd had her leg removed after an accident on the family farm, but if that wasn't made obvious to anyone watching her quick strides to full recovery, then typical passersby may not even notice. She was making such determined steps, so unlike those she first took. Ava spun around as she held onto the railing on either of her sides and partially jogged her way back to the other end with that sweet giggled that always seemed to follow her no matter where she went. "Very, very good, little one!"

"Ma! You see me?" The four year old cheerfully asked her mother sitting in a nearby chair who glowed back at her as she waved.

That was all it took to sidetrack her and she ran as best as she could over to her mother, falling forward into her lap with some more giggles. They mirrored her mothers and Kirah was amazed at the resemblances between them, knowing the saying like mother, like daughter definitely originated from pairing like theirs. Luckily, the session was nearly over which meant two things: That it was okay if she just wanted to play with her mother for the remainder of their time since they'd completed all of her exercises and also that Kirah's family would be arriving any moment.

She smiled from ear to ear as she glanced at the door, hearing the familiar footsteps she knew all too well. Suddenly bursting through the door, Tucker ran into the room and held up a huge poster bearing a drawing with extremely intricate details.

"Look, Mama Kiki!" The teenager exclaimed, still holding onto the enveloping excitement of his younger years and the gentleness she'd come to know within his eyes. The little nickname he'd given her after they moved to Galway, Ireland several years prior had taken a short adjustment period, but she'd accepted it nonetheless. Especially when it was coming from Tucker. "I got first place in the art contest! I won two hundred euros and my drawing is going to be featured in a magazine!"

"That's amazing, Tuck! Congratulations, buddy!" She hugged him and pulled back holding up the other end of the drawing she'd watched him create over the course of several all-nighters. "Absolutely gorgeous. I told you your talent wouldn't go unnoticed. I'm very proud of you, little man."

"Thanks, mama." His eyes drifted toward Ava as she and her mother stood and the little girl ran for him.

He hugged her and began offering her words of encouragement as he saw how well she was moving on her new custom fitted prosthetic leg, which Kirah had made specifically for the little girl. Ava's mom sat back down with a grin and nodded for them to play with an exercise ball, enticing the little girl's older brother of eight over. All three played with the giant sized ball as Ava's mother giggled from her perch and Kirah carried the drawing into her office. Hearing the click of the door to the gym open, she set the drawing down and spotted a lovely face peeking inside.

Berry, still donning her farming gear bearing dirt stains and the scents of their homestead, grinned as she caught her gaze and made her way into the room on her tiptoes. She carefully made her way over to the kids, which was all Kirah worked with nowadays since she found out less physical therapists worked with them than adults. She enjoyed her work everyday in Ireland, though Thursdays were her particular favorites, only made more obvious as she watched Berry sneak up on the children. They all startled, sending the mother on the other side of the room into a fit of laughter as they charged at Berry.

They got her to the floor and rolled the ball over her, making her grunt as Ava's older brother, Patrick, jumped on the ball. He bounced off and flopped onto a nearby mat that Tucker quickly slid beneath him and began laughing as Berry latched onto his arm. She yanked him closer and wriggled her fingers toward Ava as she tucked Patrick under her arm. She began tickling him just as she was able to reach Ava, but Tucker rolled the ball back over at her. As soon as Berry was laying back down again, they turned the tables and tickled her instead until she was tapping out on the floor.

"There's no shame in admitting defeat!" Patrick triumphantly chimed in over everyone's laughter and it only set the room off again. "What? What's so funny?"

Ava and Patrick's mother walked up to them as she checked her wristwatch, then nodded backward toward the door. "Come along, children. We'll see Doctor Kirah and her family at the cookout tomorrow evening." Cara Walsh waited for her two children to obediently take her hands and looked up into Kirah's eyes as she drew closer. "We will be there as will Samuel, if I can coax him out of his man cave, that is."

Kirah sent her an appreciative grin as Berry got to her feet and wrapped her arm around her waist. "Well, even if he doesn't come, we'll still have plenty of fun. And I'll have food for you to take home with you as well."

"More of that authentic Floridian cooking? Count me in!" Cara nodded at them both, then led the children out of the room, though Ava didn't disappear around the door without one last little wave back at them.

"Hey, I'm going to go help get them strapped into their car seats so that Mrs. Walsh doesn't get caught in the bad weather for too long." Tucker said as he jogged behind them, then left out of the door.

"I hope Samuel decides to come. He's a pretty fun guy. Reminds me of Ethan." Berry said as she stared at the door for a moment longer. She shook her head and turned back toward Kirah, visibly melting as she wrapped her more fully in her arms. "Although, I like our time alone a lot, too."

"You cheeseball." Kirah tugged her down with a hand along her chin and kissed her, delighting in the passion that was there each and every time their lips met. She pulled back and rubbed her nose along hers, then kissed it before turning back toward her mats. "I just have to clean things up and we can head home." Two arms came around her waist and she leaned back into them, peeking up toward their source. "I can't clean if you don't let me go."

"Can I have one more kiss?" Kirah chuckled at how often she heard that line from her wife, regardless of whether or not their union was legal, and obliged. She pulled back, but not far as she knew precisely what would come next, happy with the stability the predictability of their daily lives brought; pure and utter tranquility. She expectantly waited as Berry bashfully met her gaze and said the very words she loved most and coated her life with such happiness from the one person who'd brought it resolve and compassion. "Can I kiss you again?"

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