Chapter one

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Candi's pov:

I sat on my bed and brushed my hair out, I've been dreading this day since I told my parents I'd be willing to be sold. I laced up my boots and and looked in the mirror at my dress.

It was nicer then the dresses I normally wore and was thicker too. I walked out my room and into the kitchen, Mama, Papa, and my older sister Carli sitting at the dining table all looking nervous.

Ever since I agreed my parents got me ready to be a pet, sleeping in a painfully cramped cage, being bathed by my mother, and sitting on the floor was really hard to get used too after thirteen years of living like a normal human being.

Papa looked at me, I could see tears had formed in his eyes. He stood up and looked at me, "ready to go sugar?" He asked, his voice cracking. I nodded my head and mama got up and hugged me

When mama stepped back Carli stepped forward and leaned down and hugged me. "If you don't like it there with those blood suckers you run right back here, I'll protect you di, I promise." She said, I felt tears start forming in my eyes but blinked them away and nodded.

Papa sighed, "I guess its time" he said. I nodded my head and mama put an old worn out collar she'd found on my neck, I walked out the house with papa and got in the cage that was in the trunk of the car.

He closed the door to the cage with trembling hands. I mean who wouldn't? Locking your kid in a cage isn't something he ever expected to do. I watched as he closed the trunk and got in the front.

The car started and jolted forward and down the road. I sighed, it was already uncomfortable in this damn cage from the moment I got in here. When we finally got to the place I was getting sold at dad opened the trunk and cage and I finally got out and stretched.

We walked in and the person standing their had a clip board and looked at us. "Name?" She asked staring at my father, "Candi Rainheart" she looked at the list and scribbled something down. "A young one, she'll sell quickly!" She said smiling, I could see the fangs in her mouth and shrunk back.

After she said that my papa almost burst into tears, he looked at me and hugged me before walking out. I looked at the woman and she smiled and motioned for me to follow her.

I followed her and walked by like tiny cells! With people in them! I guess I'm getting sold with those people. When we made it to a room in the back there was a small tub and she looked at me expectantly.

"what?" I asked, genuinely confused on what she wanted me to do. She sighed and shook her head, "strip and get in!" She said staring at me like it was common sense. "We have to hurry, buyers will arrive in two hours!" She said still staring at me.

"I, I thought only owners or doctors could see pets naked!" I said, slightly louder then I should've, she glared and quickly took my dress off. "Hey! You can't do that!" I yelled at her, it wasn't polite but taking my dress off with permission wasn't either.

She made a growling sound and brought me over to the bathtub and picked me up and set me in. I quickly tried to get out but she pushed me down, I shrieked loudly and then she shoved my head under the water.

I screamed, which was in hind sight not a good idea. I got water in my mouth and started coughing and flailing my arms around wildly, she brought my head up and I coughed loudly for a couple minutes.

She rubbed her temples and pulled me out and threw a towel, my dress, and my shoes at me before walking out the room. I dried myself off with the towel and quickly got dressed again.

I put my shoes on quickly and walked out the room. She was standing there with a plain pale pink collar and put it on me, she then brought me over to a tiny empty cell thingys and motioned for me to get inside of it.

I got inside and she closed and locked the gate behind her. I looked at the other cage cell things and saw a couple kids I met before in the village. I'm guessing from what I'm seeing is boys wear blue colors and girls wear pink.

I saw people, whom I assume are workers running around and doing things. I guess they take this seriously since apparently this is the pet store nobles come too, I guess since its so close to the capital.

Someone walked over and stood in the middle of all the cages. "listen up, pets, do not speak, do not yell, do not cry, do not fight, just don't do anything your parents told you not to do when sending you here" they said. Mumbled agreements echoed throughout the hallway and the person nodded and walked away.

I fiddled with my fingers and looked up to notice people starting to look around, they all had nice clothes on and looked like nobles. I saw two maids looking around as well, I'm guessing they're master didn't want to go out.

They walked over to my cage and looked at me, they mumbled to each other and walked over to a worker. The workers eyes widened as they talked to him and he looked over at me. Did I do something that made them mad? Are they complaining?

The worker walked over and opened the cage and pulled me out by my arm and over to the maids. The maids both grabbed one of my arms and walked out the store and towards an all black car. what the help was going on!

They put me in the back seat of the car which had a divider for the front and back and they both got in the front seats. "Uh, I know I shouldn't be talking but, who bought me?" I asked both of them.

"The emperor's did" one said, starting the car. I shook my head they had to be joking...right? The car drove forever and the place we drove to, makes me think they might've been telling the truth.

It could just be a really wealthy noble, right? Right? They both got out the car and one opened one of the back doors and pulled me out and put a leash on the collar from the store I was wearing.

The one holding the leash pulled me harshly and walked into the giant castle and up some huge staircases and long hallways. They walked up to giant double doors and knocked, "Your majesties, we have!" The one not holding my leash said.

The door opened and a man with long white hair stood there in a long sleeved black shirt and black pants, his eyes were purple, I've never seen anybody with purple eyes before!

He looked at me and grabbed the leash and pulled me inside the room. I looked around the room, it was a huge bedroom. There was a man sitting at a desk writing something, his outfit the same as the white haired man except his shirt was white instead of black.

The bed in the room was huge and their was, of course a cage in front of it. The cage didn't look to small though, I could probably lay down and still not take up the full space.

The white haired man took the leash off and gently pushed me towards the cage. "Get on, its late we'll talk in the morning" he said, I slowly walked over and crawled into the cage. It was soft and had some pillows and blankets in it, better then the one mama and papa had me practice using.

I laid my head on the pillows and the gate to the cage closed and I heard it lock, I guess ill learn who they are tomorrow.

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