Chapter two.

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Candi's pov- 

I opened my eyes and looked around, oh right, I'm stuck in a cage till someone opens it. Hip hip hooray! I sighed, maybe they'd hear me and let me out, day one of being a pet and I already wanna leave and run back to my mama.

I cage was semi comfortable though, compared to the one I used to prepare myself. This one had some sort of soft padding and pillows with a blanket, though they are vampires and could just be doing this so they can gain my trust.

I sighed again, I looked up and noticed it was dark. I guess there's a blanket over my cage, I heard footsteps moving around the room but couldn't see anyone because of the blanket.

The blanket was moved from the front of the cage and I got smacked in the face with light. I covered my eyes quickly and I heard chuckling and something unlocking, I'm guessing the cage.

I uncovered my eyes and looked at who was there, it was the guy that was sitting at the desk when I first came in last night. "You gonna come out honey?" He asked staring at me.

I nodded and crawled out, I looked at the bed and the guy with long white hair was sitting there. "Come're" he said, motioning for me to come over, mama said pets can't sit on beds, what if its a trap?

The other man gently pushed me towards the bed and I slowly climbed on the bed. The white haired man quickly grabbed me by my waist and put me between his legs. The other man, who has brown hair sat down next to the white haired man.

The white haired man sighed, "I'm gonna be talking a while, so get comfortable sweetie" he said staring at me. I nodded and shifted around trying to find comfortable position.

Once I found a position I stopped moving and stared at him and the man with brown hair. "Alright listen up, your a pet, got it? P-E-T, pet, you listen to us alright? We've got some rules for you" he said. I nodded my head, he looked at the brown besides man before back at me.

The brown haired man started talking, "Firstly, You listen to us, do what we say, its usually your best bet, Secondly we're gonna bathe you, not taking the chance of you drowning yourself, thirdly, don't be afraid to talk to us, fourthly, no running away, and lastly don't leave this room without use, understood?" He said, finally ending what felt like an hour long lecture.

I nodded my head and they both smiled, the white haired man then looked like he remembered something. "You need to get a bath" he said, I nodded my head, I just had one last night but I'm not one to break the rules a minute after hearing them.

he got off the bed and walked into a room that was connected to the bedroom and I heard water running. He came back into the room and motioned for me to come in.

I got up from the bed and slowly walked in, the brown haired man followed. They both looked at me, I'm guessing I should start taking off my clothes. I took off my dress and undergarments and the white haired man took off the collar from the store.

Right...the store, I don't wanna be drowned again and these men could definitely cause more damage then the woman back at the store. I slowly walked over to the large tub, the white haired man grabbed my arm.

I quickly pulled it away, looking at him nervously. He looked at me, he looked angry, shit, I made him angry there was no way in hell I wasn't gonna get drowned by both of them. The brown haired man and white haired man looked at me with the same expression, anger, it wasn't anger, anger, but definitely anger.

I ran into a corner of the room, it wasn't gonna do anything but it was farther away from them. The white haired man started walking over, "Come here Candi" he said. I quickly ran from the corner and the white haired man reached for me but I moved away quickly.

Running around naked wasn't something I wanted to do but, being drowned by angry vampires isn't either. I ran out the bathroom and back into the bedroom, and the most cliche story book thing happened, I tripped and fell right onto my face. The brown haired man picked me up like a puppy.

He carried me back into the bathroom and the white haired man was standing there with his hands on his hips. The brown haired man handed me to the white haired man and the white haired man set me in the tub.

"Bad" the white haired man mumbled before starting to wash my hair. I started shaking slightly and both the men looked at me, "Why are you shaking sugar?" Said the white haired man. "Don't push my head underwater, please" I said looking at him nervously.

"I wouldn't do that" said the white haired man, the brown haired man just sighed. After he finished washing me the brown haired man gave him a towel and the white haired man grabbed me and wrapped me in the towel.

The white haired man handed me to the brown haired man and they both walked out the bathroom. The brown haired man set me on the bed and the white haired man threw underwear at me and I put them on.

The white haired man pulled out a short light pink poofy dress and put it on me. The brown haired man suddenly had a collar in his hand, it was a peach pink and had a rose jewel on it.

The white haired man helped him put it on me, they both looked at me. "Your our pet now, official" he said, I nodded my head. This is not what I expected to happen so quickly but, beggers can't be choosers and thankfully I'm not dead in a bath tub.

"You call one of us master and one of use sir" said the brown haired man, I nodded. Well now I need to decide what to call them, this is tough, " I'll call you master" I said as I pointed to the white haired man, "And you sir" I said as I pointed to the brown haired man.

"Pointing is rude" said...master, that's gonna take so time to adjust too. I just shrugged my shoulders, I knew it was rude but, its just pointing! Come on dude I didn't slaughter your whole family in front of you, that'd be rude.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2023 ⏰

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