Evening talks with Girlfriend

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"Hey...is there any rice porridge left?" she asked. "Huh...y-yes of course...it was made for you so...yes sure", Kazuya stuttered. Chizuru nodded and scuffed on to the bathroom.

"D-do you want me to heat it up for you?" She glanced at him for a second. "That would be nice, I think." He smiled at her, happy to be able to take care of her a bit. "You can wait in your room, Mizuhara...I'll get it to you, okay?" She nodded again and went into the bath.

10 minutes later

Knock knock

"Mizuhara, I can-", he was cut by her voice. "Come in". 'Gulp' The orange haired was nervous. 

For real???? This is like I would enter her Flat...her living space...the holy ground.

Slowly he opened the door. He saw her, laying on her futon, fully covered.

"Here, I also got you a cup of tea and a hot water bottle...I read that helps a bit."

Chizuru had to hide her face with the pillow, she blushed and knew it.

Can he stop being so cute sometimes? Did he really research what could help me now?

She waited for him to sit down next to her before raising her upper body. He gave her the cup, as she reached out for it first.

"Thanks", she said with a cute smile. After drinking some tea he gave her the porridge bowl.

"Yumm...that's good, really", smiled again at him, making his heart skip a beat. The cute brunette ate a bit more, before she put down the bowl and looked him in the eyes. Kazuya could see that she was about to say or ask something.

"C-can I do something for you?" he was curious about her thinking whether it's okay to ask for something. For Kazuya, of course it was. "Can I ask you one more favor?"

Chizuru was still laying on her futon while staring out the window. Kazuya left her to get some Goenga Aruyo chocolate.

It's almost half an hour since he left. It started raining ten minutes ago, but he should be back already. The Kiosk is just five minutes of walking away. Hope he is okay...

After ten more minutes of waiting Chizuru was thinking of calling him or even go and look for him.

If something unexpected happened he would text me...right? Okay no...even now he still worries about annoying me if he does. Although he hasn't need to since a while already. I have to tell him later. Kazuya...why me...why, there is no reason...i can't understand why he, why anyone would...he knows about my problems and stubbornness better than anyone else and...he just falls for me...baka.

Finally she hears the house door opening after 45 minutes since he left. He took off his shoes and almost immediately knocked on her door.

"Come in", she answered.

"Hey, are these the right ones?" He handed the sweets to her but she was just staring at him. "You are completely wet, why did you take so long, normally you would be back before the rain starts?" He just looked away, trying to avoid her gaze over his body.

"Ah, look ahhh they were sold out at the kiosk, so I had to go to the Supermarket at the station, but are these the right ones?" He explained nervously while he started shivering. "Y-yes they are the right ones but...there was no need to go to the supermarket and get in the rain for me...", she muttered and blushed a bit, "go and dry yourself and come back than, i want to talk to you", Chizuru instructed him.

MIZUHARA WANTS TO TALK??? ABOUT WHAT??? Her investigation? Me? When I move out? What? WHAT??? Kazuya's mind was in a hypermode of anxiety.

As he entered her room again, he immediately froze. Chizuru had layed out a second futon, just one meter from her own.

"Don't look so stupid...you need to warm yourself up and I wanted to talk, so this is the best option", she told him like he was dumb, giving him a cold stare.

He stuttered an "okay" and crawled into it.

"S-so y-you wanted to chat, M-Mizuhara?" He questioned. He tried to sound certain but it didn't work out so well. She nodded and turned on her side to look at him.

"Yes, I wanted to know some things", she paused to get the right words. "You don't have to answer everything but if you say something...be honest, okay?" He nodded "I swear". She blushed a bit before she said: "Why me?"

"Well see, in Hawaiians I said some reasons but that was not really true, I meant everything just as I said it but...there is more...much more", he stopped. He felt the furious heat on his face but continued: "I can't really tell what in particular but, I think you don't need a reason to love, you just need one to hate."

(A:N Who knows this quote? Guess the character and you get a cookie)

Kazuya turned on his back and just stared at the roof with dreamy eyes. He Smiled.

"There is way too much to tell you, if you ask those questions."

"I never understood why you couldn't hold back doing all these, almost incredible things for me, that I will never be able to pay you back...Is this what love makes people do? I can't understand that."

"To be honest, there is another reason for me...I swore it to her", he told her, thinking back to the day when he gave this swore.

"To who?" The brunette glanced at him, trying to get who he's talking about.

There is only one person that could maybe...

"Grandma Sayuri"

What? He gave a oath to grandma about me?

"When did you-?" Her voice broke.

"You remember that day, you took me to the batting cage once? After that, we visited her in the hospital, back than you left the room to get new water for the flowers and in that moment she begged me to swear to care for you, so she could go without regrets to leave you alone"

Chizuru just stared at him. A few tears were running down her cheeks. She quickly tried to whip them away but felt a warm hand around her wrist.

First she glanced at him, shocked and with a bit of anger but as she saw in his dark Brown eyes, shining in determination...she froze.

"Don't hide your emotions, I told you before it's okay to cry, that makes you human sometimes. You really don't need to act strong and mature everytime, especially in front of me, if you ask for my opinion. I swore to be there for you as long as you accept me being a part of your life...and I will keep this swore".

Chizuru smiled and laughed lightly. She let her Arm sink and the tears run freely.

So that's why Grandma was fine even after I told her that I lied to her, she was sure that I won't be alone because of him...why am I still thinking about him?

She was not really Crying. Didn't even sob. She was just happy that her grandma died in Peace.   

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