"Everyone Has Accidents, It Makes You Human."

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Mother takes care of you after you get hurt<3

Gender neutral pronouns used for Y/N.
You were helping Mother outside, setting up some decorations for Christmas. Mother liked to be festive, and being her only human employee she got you to help her out so if she needed to step away for a moment to help a child, you'd still be setting up, making her life easier.

Mother was handling the more higher-up tasks, like hanging up some lights. It was a lot easier for her to do so because of her inhuman height. Your head perked up hearing a child call for Mother inside.

"Just a second dear!" Mother replied in that same motherly and calm tone she always used when speaking to her children or you. Anyone for that matter. "Sorry darling, I'll be back in just a moment." She turned to you. You simply nodded before she went inside to go fulfill her child's needs.

You kept setting up at you were instructed, but a noise soon caught your hearing. A small meowing sound. A kitten, most likely, coming from the direction of the forest that was nearby.

Well... you couldn't exactly let a kitten starve and possibly freeze to death in this weather. What if it needed help? Surely Mother would understand if you stepped away for just a moment to make sure the poor creature you thought you were hearing was alright.

Putting on your gloves, you stepped out of the nearby gate which lead out of the backyard as it groaned in protest. Hearing the snow crunch underneath your boots, you stepped towards the forest. Not long after you seen a white ball of fur mewing up in a nearby tree. Great, this would be fun to get down...

You would have to climb a bit. The kitten seemed to scurry up there in a hurry, probably running from something and tried to get as high up as possible. Mother would be a lot more suited for this job...

Climbing up the tree, clinging onto some of the sturdy looking branches, you managed to carefully pull the kitten away from the thing twig it was laying on, looking into its bright blue eyes for a moment, cradling it in your arms.

Hearing a nearby sound made you suddenly fall back, being eight feet in the air. Having no time to react, you soon felt your back and head hit against the cold, hard ground. The snow looked fluffy but it was no help whatsoever...

You seen the kitten on your stomach, fortunately it didn't get hurt. You felt an aching in your head, and something wet coating your hair. Reaching up for a moment in your daze-like state, you seen red beginning to coat your white gloves. Blood. Your eyes felt more heavy and eventually it just went blank, not before you heard steps coming towards you...

When you regained consciousness, you kept your eyes closed for a moment, not wanting to wake up just yet and go back to the dream you were having, not that you remembered what the dream was, you just knew it was a nice one.

Purring began to fill your ears, soon making you slowly open your eyes and blink a few times to wash away some of the drowsiness. Turning your head to the source of the sound, there Mother was, sat next down next to you in a foldable chair, a ball of fluffiness purring in her lap, resting on her baby-blue skirt.

"Oh my, you're awake!" She spoke softly, trying not to wake you up too quickly or startle you. "How are you feeling, my dear?" She inquired.

Your head was aching, your back felt rather sore and your knee was throbbing. Not wanting to worry your employer, you simply lied.
"Yeah... uh... I'm fine. Just a little tired..." You murmured, sitting up and rubbing your eyes.

Mother studied your face for a moment, looking like she could see your secret and thought. "Are you sure?" She didn't seem to believe your facade.. "You had quite the fall." She added, turning to look down at the fuzzball in her lap, gently scratching its head.

"My head hurts?..." You spoke, trying to be somewhat honest.

"Oh you poor thing." She said softly, reaching over to rub your head gently. It was almost natural for Mother to somewhat coddle you, a habit she'd grown used to after being a care-taker of children for so long.

Her gloved hand on your head felt somewhat comforting. "You hit your head pretty hard on a rock. It was more of a pebble... yet it was enough to make your head bleed." She murmured, telling you about what happened.

"Oh... sorry Mother... I... should've told you i was leaving..." You managed to choke out, feeling a tad guilty that your mistake had caused her to take her time to take care of you when she definitely had other things to tend to.

"Oh dear, don't apologize. You were doing the right thing! Now we got this little kitty to take care of..." Mother reassured you, gently holding up the kitten underneath its arms, staring at it fondly for a moment.

"Would you like to keep it?" She asked, turning her gaze towards you once again. The kitten seemed to like Mother, as it tried to crawl onto her shoulder and cling to it.

"Oh.. ah... sure..." You replied. You did find the little critter quite cute.

"Oh wonderful~!" She stood up, revealing her whole height, which was honestly intimidating. "Anyway my dear, I shall let you rest until you're back to full health! There's some tea on the bedside." She stated, seeming content as she went to leave the room.

"Okay- Thank you-!" you called after her.

"It's no problem, my darling." she responded before you heard the infirmary door click shut. You wished she would've stayed with you so you weren't sitting there alone. Mother's presence was comforting. I mean, she even took the kitty. Yet, you knew she had other things to tend to.

You just decided to plop back down in bed, thankful Mother had found you and bandaged up all your wounds. Not that you noticed before, as you were pretty much half-asleep.

Mother always seemed to know just when and where to help your or find you.
Total word count: 1072!

This was suggested by my wonderful friend, Micheal/Yancy! Thank you for the idea<3

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2023 ⏰

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