Chapter 13

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Today I have added mature content as in the previous chapter I got so many comments that I have robbed you so here is the compensation.

Advitya entered in a ward and saw his wife sitting on the stretcher hanging her legs out with painful expressions as a nurse was dressing on her elbow's wound and a lady doctor was bandaging on the corner of her forehead.

“Sss…ahh be gentle” She said slowly while the pain was fully visible from her face. She was all wet from head to toe. The water was dripping from her hair while her clothes were sticking to her body with some mud on her body and clothes.

Advitya saw that her leggings were ripped from the knee area where the big bandage was tied already and some small scratches they had applied to some ointment.

Advitya was feeling guilty so he closed his eyes tightly and cursed himself.

‘You dumb ass you shouldn't have left this kitty on the road.’

‘She is indeed a kitty who got lost so easily and ended up hurting herself.’

“Aayti….” He called her softly, everyone's eyes went upon him who was standing on the entrance of the ward in his casual clothes.

Aayti looked at him and made an annoyed face and turned her face. Advitya sighed he knew that he did wrong but her reaction made him buried in more guilt.

What does he think about himself? He thinks if does not take me then I can't reach back home.’

‘Yes you can't, that's why you couldn't see a big fat pit and fall in that.’

‘But it was not my fault. First it was raining heavily and that car was coming in my way very fastly. I thought the driver was going to kidnap me.’

‘You fool that driver was in a hurry and he turned on the other side but you fell in a pit.’

‘And don't forget that driver helped you reaching here, otherwise you still have been there with rats and worms.’

‘How silly and big blind I am and what will I say to him that I fell in a pit of stagnant water’

‘Cheeeee this will reduce my reputation in front of him…but Aayti you're smelling yuck. Sooner or later he will get to know.’

“Who is he to you?” The nurse who was bandaging her elbow asked to see her in deep thought.

Aayti looked at him then the nurse who was raising her eyebrows.

“He is my husband…” She replied and got up from the stretcher.

“Carefully…and you take care of your wife. I have given her some medicine. You go and pay the bill.” The doctor said and Advitya nodded.

“Doctor may I know that who took her here actually I wanted to thank that person personally” Advitya said and forwarded his hand to hold Aayti.

“ohh he left when he got to know that we've called you.” Doctor replied and he nodded and saw Aayti who was wiggling her hand to free it from his hold.

Advitya nodded and looked at Aayti whose whole focus was on freeing her hand from his hold he shook his head and picked her up in his arms like an empty cylinder.

Aayti held his shirt in her fist tightly in the fear of falling.

“You're already smelling like a fusty…so stop behaving like one otherwise I will drop you and then you will surely need more bandages for your ass and back.” Advitya whispered and started walking. He came out and made her sit in the passenger seat.

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