Act. 8: Suspicions

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Usagi's POV

I was walking when I saw Y/N walk by, we met a few weeks ago and she seems really nice, and she saved chibi-usa from drowning, but whenever I touch her I always get a flash of silver millennium. What does Y/N have to do with that..? Everyone has their suspicions but if I tell them about the flashes I have, they'll get suspicious of her and might go after her. Even worse, she finds out our identities.. Well, maybe I should tell them..? Yeah, I think I will. After I stop by the donut shop of course!



Still Usagi's POV

I finally finished my food and it was sooo yummy! But now I have to speak to the others about the flashes, but I have to tell them not to inter- intero- Ugh! in-terro-gate her so she won't find out our secret. Anyways, I finally made it to the arcade, and put in the password *Boop Boop* I went down the stairs and saw Makoto, Minako, Rei, Ami, chibi-usa, Mamo-chan, Diana, Luna, and Artemis. "Hey guys, I brought donuts!!" I say as I shove one in my mouth, making the others chuckle a little. After finishing that donut I snapped back to reality and realized I had to tell them about my thoughts earlier. Well here goes nothing.. "Hey guys, can we talk about something important?" I asked nervously waiting for a response. "Sure Usagi-chan, what is it?" Ami responded politely. "Well...."


Y/N's pov (because why not?)

I saw Usagi-chan as usual and it made me think about every time I bumped into her. I always got quick flash in my head of a beautiful kingdom with a pitch black sky behind with wonderful stars that glow brighter than the moon nowadays. The land looked dead and a bit bumpy but that wasn't the weird part. The weird part is that it seems like a familiar place to me. After a LONG walk I made it back to my dorm with groceries. I opened the door with my key and walked in, putting up the food I bought. "finally, you took forever. I was starting to think I was going to die of starvation" Crescent dramatically cried as she was laying on the couch as if she was about to die. "Oh shut up crescent, be lucky I went today instead of tomorrow" I muttered feeling annoyed while changing and I'd plop down onto my bed. Crescent came up and scratched me lightly in the head, so I wouldn't get hurt. "WHAT THE H311 CRESCENT?!" I shouted as I jumped up. "Get me FOOD!!!" She yelled as she pulled on my shirt. "Geez you can't get it FOR YOURSELF?!" I snapped back. "I'm a cat you dummy 😘" she said gracefully but really was angry. "Fine, Ill get you some of your stupid food." I whispered as I poured it into a bowl and gave it to her. "Happy now?" I said aggravated. "Yes, very happy" she commented as I could tell she wanted to laugh. "I'm going to bed" I yawned as I went to my room, jumping onto my bed and falling asleep instantly.

3rd POV

What Y/N didn't know, is that crescent soon came in her room after she finished her food and cuddled next to Y/N for the afternoon. (When Y/N woke up, crescent was gone, probably somewhere else in the house, which she was.)

Usagi's POV

"So yeah.." I said as they all looked at me with either concerned looks or shocked looks. "Well shouldn't we do something? I say we confront her!" Makoto shouted. "No! What if she finds out who we are, and then tells everyone we're sailor guardians because we are friends with her?!" I panicked. "She's right... Maybe we should keep this topic on the down low and keep our eye on Y/N. That way we'll have more information on her. As the screen shows, I barely have info on her, all I know is her name, age, and birthday but that's it." Ami calmly commented, with everyone else processing what she said then proceeded to give nods. "If we can find more info on her, we'll be able to find out if shes evil or just a normal human." Rei responded to Ami's statement. "But she isn't normal if she's giving Usagi-chan flashes of silver millennium. Maybe she just worked there in her past life?" Minako questioned. "Maybe, but why would SHE give me flashes of silver millennium if she was just a maid?" I asked. "I'm not sure, but we'll figure out eventually" Ami muttered the last part, but she was near me so I could hear her. We all eventually left to go home, but me, chibi-usa, Diana, and Luna went to eat somewhere because I was hungry, I think Chibi-usa was too. Mamo-chan gave us money to go eat. The food was so good! Me and chibi-usa went home with the 2 cats following behind us. I out my pajamas on and went to bed..

Usagi's dream

"Serenity, I know you love Endymion, so I'll help you sneak out to see him." The girl said as I looked around to see her with my past self, she looked.. EXACTLY LIKE ME?! "You're the best sis! C'mon, earth is amazing! You'll love it Serena. Endymion is already waiting for me there." I could hear me shout happily as I saw my past self drag my 'Serena' away from where I was standing. I followed them down to earth where I saw Me and my sister 'Serena' with Endymion, Also known as my lover Mamo-chan. "Endymion, meet my sister, well twin, Serena!!" I could hear myself excitedly shout as the dream began to blur "WAIT!" I tried commanding as the three ran off into the blurry background and then everything went black...

Usagi's POV

I woke up sweating to see that its 4:39AM and that's when it hit me.. "I have a twin.."


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