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IN YERIN'S ROOM, yunjin sleeps soundly next to yerin in her queen sized bed. she keeps tossing and turning but can't sleep.

she gets out of bed, puts on slippers and heads downstairs. she grabs a glass and puts water and ice in it. she realizes she forgot to grab her phone and is about to walk towards the stairs until a tall figure appears in front of her.

she drops her drink, water splattering everywhere. she looks up and is about to scream. the figure quickly covers her mouth. her eyes widen and her muffled screams aren't loud enough. the "figure" is a boy with black highlights.

she is about to hit him but he backs away and shushes her.

"what are you doing here? what do you want? why--"

"shh," he says. "i just need your blood."

"wtf? no??" yerin retorts, furrowing her brows.

he sighs and rubs his temples.

she backs away and subtly grabs the pepper spray from the drawer. "get out of here or else."

he seems unphased.

"get out!!" she repeats, aiming the pepper spray at him. he teleports behind her and snatches the pepper spray away.

she turns around to face him. "bro--"

"let's make a deal," he starts, "you give me your blood and i'll.. buy you.. whatever you want."

she considers it for a second but snaps out of it. "no. i dont need you to buy me anything. just take a look at this house! also, speaking of which, how tf did you get in here?"

he steps closer to her. "i'll just take your blood by force, then."

"uh, NO!" she says quickly. "why me? of all people?"

he shrugs. "just because." that was obviously a lie.

"then you can easily find someone else." she replies. reality hits her. "wait a damn minute.. am i high? vampires dont even exist!"

he looks at her with a confused expression.

"just give me your blood." he says.

"i already told you know like fifty times. what language do you want me to say it in?" she asks.

"japanese," he jokes. she rolls her eyes.

"can you leave me alone?"

"you're being so difficult," he mutters frustratedly and grabs her by force.

"let me go!" she screams.


YUNJIN'S eyes flutter open. she looks around and realizes yerin isn't in the room. she hears her screams coming from downstairs. she shoots up  quickly grabs a bat from the closet. she sprints down the stairs.

she sees yerin and sees another guy.

"jen, help!" yerin yells. yunjin is about to swing her bat. once the guy turns around and sees yunjin, he quickly teleports away.

yerin stumbles back a bit and gasps for air. she makes eye contact with yunjin. yunjin slowly sets the bat down. she runs over to yerin and gices her a big hug. after pulls away, she scans yerin.

"what was that?" yunjin asks worriedly. "i'm so sorry for not believing you.."

"it's okay," yerin starts, "and i have no idea who that was. he was asking for my blood and stuff. probably a crackhead."

yunjin doesn't respond and seems a bit nervous. "you're right, maybe it's not safe here.."

"i think we'll be fine," yerin says.

yunjin gives her another hug.

"i hope so..." yunjin says.

✮ fangssz
not proofread

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2023 ⏰

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