After the show

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Krystal: This group chat is for everyone who will be participating in all stars, including our interns! 

Tess: okay.

Ally: Hey Tess!

Tess: Hi

Ellie: Hey guys

Jake: Hi 

Gabby: ELLIE!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Ellie: Hey Gabs :)

Ellie: And Jake, I thought you were mad at me??

Jake: I was, but I overreacted ig..

Ellie: Alright!

Fiore: Shut up!

Alec: No, you shut up. 

Fiore: I will when you get your wife back, that divorce really did a number on you..

Alec: ...

Alec: At least my parents don't see me as a failure, wondering where their lives went wrong. Plus, you lost the million to a grandma.

Fiore: .

-Fiore has gone offline-



Gabby: Omg we both laughed, we should kiss 🤭🤭

-Krystal has muted Gabby for 5 minutes. Reason: Being happy-

Yul: What tf is this?

-Read by 20+ users at 6:37pm-

Yul: Okay, rude?

-Read by 20+ users at 6:39pm-

Yul: Whatever!

-Yul has gone offline -

(Sorry, I've never written a story about a group chat so it's really bad)

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