Episode 6 Aftermath 😕

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Gabby: Hello everybody!!

Ellie: Hey Gabs! :)

Gabby: ELLIEEEE!! :D

Yul: Ew

Grett: Yul.

Yul: Ugh, whatever.

Yul: Fatty.

*Yul has deleted a message*

Grett: ??

Yul: Nothing!

Ellie: Did you like our performance, Jake??

Aiden: Why are you asking Jake specifically??

Miriam: Ellie, you are messed up.

Hunter: Honestly, what is wrong with you?

Ellie: I didn't do anything illegal, did I?

Ellie: No? Exactly.

Ashley: DMS, now.

Ellie: And if I don't?

Ashley: Then I'll make you!!

Ally: Ashley!!

Hunter: .

Ally: Oh.

Ally: You watched the episode, didn't you??

Hunter: Yeah, I did. Private messages, please?

Ally: Okay...

-Ally has gone idle-

-Hunter has gone idle-

-Ashley has gone idle-

Ellie: Huh?

Ellie: oh.

-Ellie has gone idle-

Gabby: NO, ELLIE!! :((

Tom: Don't worry Gabby, she'll be back soon!

Gabby: Really??

Tom: Yeah!

Tess: Tom's right, she'll just be gone for a few minutes!

Gabby: Okay!!

Jake: I hope she doesn't.

*Jake has deleted a message*

Tom: Jake??

-Jake has gone offline-

Tom: oh.

-Tom has gone idle-

Fiore: Who was the boot?

Alec: ...

Alec: Connor...

Lake: Seriously, why him?

James: What she said, Riya's useless to your team 😭

Riya: At least I wasn't first boot

James: At least I won a season

Riya: At least I'm known

James: Are you dumb?? I'm literally an influencer AND the winner of a popular season. ☠️


James: Hey Aiden <3

Aiden: Hey! Could we go to DM's please?? <3

James: Ofc!! <33

-Aiden has gone idle-

-James has gone idle-

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