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Kun and you worked together on a puzzle on the floor of his living room. Once put together, it would show a full Winter Wonderland scene. He had put on Christmas music in the background, and your assembly was interspersed with sing-alongs, easygoing conversation, and long, comfortable stretches of silence.

When the puzzle was about halfway done, you let out a big yawn, briefly checking the time on your phone. "Oh, jeez, it's after midnight already."

"I think that's plenty for tonight," Kun declared, slowly getting to his feet. "We can finish up the rest tomorrow."

"Sounds like a plan to me." You twisted around in place to crack your back.

"I'll go get you some pajamas." He gave your head a gentle pat before walking off, taking both of your now-empty eggnog mugs with him.

He returned just a couple minutes later in a pair of lounge pants and simple longsleeve shirt, holding out a stack of clothes to you. "Here."

"Thanks, Kun," you accepted them gratefully. "But you really didn't have to—"

"Y/N, were you seriously going to wear the same clothes for like a week straight?" He raised an eyebrow doubtfully.

"I mean, you have a washing machine, presumably."

"And you would've... stood by the washing machine naked? Until they were done?"

You covered your face with one hand as you laughed. "Good point, good point."

"Seriously, it's fine."


In the bathroom, you fully appraised the clothes as you changed, a funny sort of tug in your chest when you recognized the sweatshirt he'd given you. It was a plain black crewneck sweatshirt, save for a small rose embroidered on the left wrist, just above the cuff. It had always been your favorite of his to take and wear for yourself before.

The sweatshirt was as soft as you'd remembered, and when you put it on, you were awash not only in Kun's scent, but warm, happy memories of being held, loved, treasured, safe. You folded up your clothes and left them on the bathroom countertop.

The fire had been put out when you returned to the living room, and the lights on the tree unplugged.

"I uhm, I'm not sure where you wanted me to put my clothes, so they're on the—" You cut yourself off when you looked up from where you'd been fiddling with the hem of the sweatshirt to see Kun looking at you with an off-putting, oddly mournful look of tenderness. "What? Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, yeah," he waved off your concerns, his voice tight. "That's fine, I'll throw them in the wash with mine tomorrow."

"Do you have some extra bedding I can use out here?"


"I mean, your couch already looks super comfy, but a real pillow would sort of be nice..."

"No, no, you can take my bed," he shook his head. "I'll take the couch."

"Kun, I'll be fine out here for a few nights," you pushed back. With humor in your tone, you added, "You've done enough sleeping on the couch to last the rest of your life, okay? I think it's my turn."

He seemed to understand your joke, but also the sincere intent behind it, and held up his hands in surrender as a smile cracked across his face. "Alright, I know when I'm beat. I'll get you some pillows and blankets."

Kun set up your makeshift bed on the couch for you, with a couple of real pillows, a very fluffy blanket, and heavy quilt to go over that. He refilled your water glass from dinner, and set that down on the coffee table for you.

"Oh, phone charger—"

"I have one." You stopped him with a hand on his arm, going to grab your purse and root through it. "I keep an extra on me. Never know when your phone is going to die reviewing notes in a random café."

"Right. Cool." He watched you plug it into the outlet closest to the pillow end of the couch, then stand back up.

"Well, goodnight, Kun. Thanks for letting me stay here."

"Goodnight, Y/N. Thanks again for coming, and uh, sorry for getting you stuck out here..."

You sat down on the couch, smiling up at him. "Hasn't been all bad."

"Yeah, it hasn't," he agreed with a chuckle.

When he still hadn't moved, you realized the both of you must have been debating the same thing. Should you hug goodnight?

To save yourselves, you opened your arms in a half-invitation, and Kun bent over to give you a one-armed hug, briefly rubbing your back before standing back up. He gave you a final hesitant smile and nod. "Night."


As you laid down, you could hear him walking across the room, and pause at the threshold. Just as you'd finished readjusting your covers and getting cozy with your head on the pillow, the lights were turned off, and you listened to Kun walk all the way into his room and the door creak closed behind him.

You watched the last of the dying embers in the fireplace as you started trying to sort through your muddied thoughts. You and Kun no longer had the awkwardness of bitter exes, but it had just been replaced with a new kind of awkwardness. Now that you didn't hate each other, what was left? How did you feel about each other?

You still hadn't figured it out by the time you fell asleep.

much mistletoeing about nothing ✦ q.k | ✔Where stories live. Discover now