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Full-body shivers woke you up, and you blinked rapidly trying to readjust to your surroundings. You pulled the blankets tighter around you, but that did practically nothing. Every inch of you from your fingers to your toes felt like a block of ice, and your muscles were shaking to try to generate some kind of heat. Your teeth even chattered a couple of times.

A hasty look at your phone showed you that it was only two and a half hours after you'd fallen asleep. You turned on your phone flashlight, looking around the walls for the thermostat. Having spotted it at the start of the hallway, you made the hasty decision to throw your blankets off you and run over to it as quick as possible, fumbling to look at the controls. But as best you could tell, the heat was definitely turned on, and it was set to a perfectly comfortable temperature.

You felt terrible for what you were about to do, but you were going to get hypothermia sooner than you would get back to sleep at this rate. Lightly knocking on Kun's bedroom door, you paid attention for any signs of life. After a moment of no response, you knocked again, a bit louder.

There was a groan from inside, followed by a half-intelligible, confused mumble of your name.

"Yeah, Kun, it's me," you responded through the wood.

You heard the sounds of him rolling out of bed, then lumbering over to the door. He opened it, rubbing one of his eyes.

"Y/N, what are you— Shit, it's a fucking meatlocker out there!" He exclaimed, grabbing at his own arms.

"Yeah, I know. I'm really sorry to wake you up, but I can't seem to figure out your thermostat and it's freezing out here."

Kun pushed past you, shutting his door tight behind him before going to inspect the thermostat himself. "Doesn't make sense... The heat should be working fine..."


"God, of course it's fucking broken," he grumbled. "I'm sorry about this, Y/N. I'll go call the maintenance line right now."

Just a moment later, and you heard more swearing from his room. He came back out with his phone in hand. "Got a text from the management company... Heat in the whole complex is busted, but they can't get anybody out here until the roads are clear."


He spun on his heel back towards the bedroom. "Come on, it's at least a little warmer in my room. You'll freeze to death out here."

You followed him in without complaint, and he shut the door firmly behind you. He grabbed a towel from his attached bathroom and stuffed it under the crack of the door.

You couldn't see much about his bedroom in the dark except for a few vague shapes, but the air felt noticeably warmer in here than it had been in the living room. Kun opened up a couple of drawers on what you were now realizing was a dresser, and grabbed a hoodie for himself, then handed you a zip-up hoodie. It was big enough to fit the sleeves of your sweatshirt through, and you could feel the chattering of your teeth dying down.

Kun sat down on one side of the bed, and indicated to the other side for you. You obliged, following his lead to slip under the covers. The sheet, blankets, and heavy quilt were still pleasantly warm, and you rubbed your frozen feet together in contentment. You accidentally bumped Kun's leg, a flash of accidental heat.

"Oh! Sorry, sorry!" You jerked your limbs as far back as you dared without leaving the security of the blankets.

"Fuck, Y/N, you're an icicle," Kun said disapprovingly.

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