Chapter 1: Part 1.

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It was just a normal day for Dazai, besides the fact that he and his boyfriend Shrek had gotten in an argument the day before because Dazai had stolen Shreks favorite food and thrown it away because it went bad, and Shrek still hadn't forgiven him. So Dazai decided to start brainstorming how to get Shrek to forgive him, and what better way to get someone to forgive you than to beg?

Dazai got up from his bed and went to the couch where Shrek was, plopping down next to the ogre.
" Hey honey.. are you gonna forgive me today? " Dazai said with a small smile looking at Shrek, Shrek did not respond but just ignored Dazai, which made Dazai slightly irritated.
" Shrek, please just look at me, im sorry! Ill buy you as many onions as you want!! Ill do anything please... " Dazai said. Shrek turned his head around to face Dazai " Anything? " Shrek said with a playful look. Dazai had a feeling this wouldn't end well for him.

Shrek had decided to forgive Dazai if Dazai was willing to do some things Shrek always wanted to do with him, Dazai had agreed, then Shrek left to go somewhere telling dazai to go take a bath, leaving dazai flustered as he knew they would do it, dazai just didnt know what he was getting into next.

Shrek returned about 30 minutes later with 2 bags of something, Dazai was sitting on the bed after having just bathed and prepared himself, he looked up at shrek and looked down at the bags. " What are those?? " Dazai said visibly confused. " What? You really thought we would do it normally after what you did to my onions? No way. " Shrek said as he dumped all the toys on the bed, and there was a lot. Dazais eyes widened at them all. Dazai had experience with sexual things, but not much bdsm type things or toys, he didn't know what most of them were. And that only made him more concerned. He looked at shrek then at the toys, then gulped. " So uh ahhaha.. you know i think my boss just called i have to go!! " Dazai said in a way to avoid the situation he was in. Shrek grabbed Dazais arm and said " I thought you wanted to experiment? You said it before yeah? Plus, if you do this I'll forgive you. " Dazai flushed at his words, Shrek had remembered he wanted to experiment sometime? How sweet. Dazai just didn't realize he would be able to so soon. Dazai decided to just go for it, whats the worst that could happen? " Ok, let do it. " Dazai said with a determined, but nervous voice.

Shrek was glad to hear that Dazai would be ok with it and grinned. " Alright, im just going to take a quick shower then we can start. " Shrek said while going to the bathroom. This gave dazai time to look at all the toys he had gotten, he picked up one and stared at it for a couple seconds then sat it back down. With no idea what most of it was, he started fiddling with them all to try to get an idea. When Shrek finally got out of the shower, Dazai looked up and said " What do most of these even do? " He said to Shrek, confused. " Ill show you soon. " Shrek said with a devious smile.

Shrek and Dazai kissed and Shrek asked again if Dazai was really ok with them doing this, and Dazai nodded. " Alright, well first let's establish a safe word and motion in case things get out of hand. How about you say apple for the safe word and flick your fingers for the safe motion, and if you cant flick your fingers then just kick me. " Shrek said to Dazai, Shrek was definitely ready to hurry up, but it's good to establish these things so that way dazai doesn't get hurt, as Dazai doesn't like pain. Dazai agreed to those and asked what they would do now.

Shrek then grabbed a rod, Dazai asked what it was. "Its called a urethral rod, I'll be putting this inside your penis, we have to do it right now because it cant be fully erect or else it will hurt more. Don't move too much or it'll hurt. " Shrek said while looking at Dazai. " Ready? " Shrek asked, Dazai nodded in agreement. Shrek then grabbed a bottle of lube and put a glob of it on top of Dazais partially erect penis, and inserted the rod. Dazai squinted and bit but got through it. " Ok, im done with that part now. " Shrek said looking at Dazai. It was kind of uncomfortable for Dazai as an object was literally inside of a place he had never had an object in before.

Shrek then grabbed some ropes and started to tie dazai up, dazai might have not liked pain much, but he definitely enjoyed bondage, Shrek and Dazai had had sex with bondage before, but nothing too intense. Shrek then finished tying dazai up, it was kind of an embarrassing position as he couldnt move his hands and it was tight on his chest area. Shrek then grabbed a vibrating butt plug from the pile of toys. " Did you already loosen up in the shower? " Asked Shrek. " Yeah, itll be ok. " Dazai replied. Shrek then proceeded to put some lube on the vibrator and slide it into Dazai slowly, making sure to position it correctly for pleasure. Dazais cock twitched slightly. The vibrator wasnt even close to Shreks penis, but he couldnt help but find it pleasant to be inside him as Shrek had positioned it in the spot Dazai enjoyed most. Shrek then turned on the vibrator to medium level, which was actually quite intense. Dazai let out a moan as his penis twitched more, which Shrek found quite nice to look at. Shrek then looked at a blindfold and took it off the pile, putting it on Dazai. " A blindfold? Hhng.. thats not really- ahng! Necessary is it? " Dazai said trying to hold in his moans, the vibrator was hitting a lot of good places, and that made it even more difficult for Dazai, as he couldnt cum due to the rod. " It looks good on you, plus itll make you more sensitive Dazai." Shrek said nodding his head, Shrek thought Dazai looked wonderful when overstimulated and trying to hold himself together even while he felt so good, so he took a picture cause you know why not? Dazai of course was fine with Shrek taking pictures of him even during sex, he found it cute in the ogre.

After about 6 minutes Dazai was seriously going through it and needed to cum, he was on the verge of exploding at this point. He was a hot moaning mess and was going insane. " S-shrek.. haa.. fuck, please take it out i cant- hhhng.. i cant do this any longer..please..ngh-" Dazai begged. Shrek then took his blindfold off, Dazais eyes were tearing up slightly, looking like his brain was melting from pleasure. Shrek grinned at this look as it was well, really hot. He then took out the rod carefully and Dazai splurted out a lot of cum, some of it even ending up on shreks face, which he honestly didnt mind at all. He turned off the vibrator and took it out, dazai still panting to catch up his breath with cum all over his waist and some on the ropes.

Shrek was very satisfied with how things were going, if he knew dazai would agree to these things he would have gotten a rotten onion way before.
He moved dazais hair out of his face and kissed him and his forehead, asking if it was alright to continue. Dazai nodded, still recovering from the last thing so his mind was quite, fuzzy.

To be continued teehee:3
By the way this will be separated in parts and chapters, every chapter is like a whole different universe because its easier to make more smut that way teeheeheheh.. you are very welcum ^_^

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2023 ⏰

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