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I felt ice on my back, the chilling air violently bit my skin, and snow drifted. Blue auroras flew high in the sky as the dark violet night shimmered slowly along with the soft bright light of a large neon-blue moon.

I sat up slowly. It was so cold and dark, but at least the bright moon lit up the place enough for me to see clearly in the night. As snow drifted all over the blue and white land, I looked around the place and observed.

It wasn't a snowy tundra, it was a large glacier on the southern pole.

At the corner of my senses, a low humming vibration momentarily passed through, and sooner a large boom echoed in the empty expanse of the glacial environment. Then another explosion, and another, and then the sound of artilleries and guns firing tens and hundreds of shots a second. Metal scraped against metal, ice, and snow. The ferocious winds blew their icy breath against the land as the sound of war and death infiltrated the silence of the area and the scent of hellfire-like smoke mixed with the snow and cold winds.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps from behind me. I stood up quickly and turned around. There, a tall robotic figure in army clothing stood gazing at the frozen horizon of the cliff I stood on. I never bothered to look at the bottom of the cliff, so I did, and there I saw robots in the act of a violent war. Reenacting the first generation of humans as if it were a play.

But their guns were real, and the grenades were real, and so were the twitching bodies of dead robot soldiers and hot splattered oil resembling blood. And all of these hot and violent colors were on the innocent snow of an unfamiliar world.

I looked back at the robot, his simulated breaths were hitched, and his white equipment and suit were all torn up and ruined. His arms needed repair, his torso had huge scratches and dents, and his legs had some loose wires, and yet he remained there standing with all his strength like a person would. Then I saw something behind him that he tugged along all this time. It was a figure- no, a robot on a blanket. The same white uniform that was also torn up, those destroyed arms, his bottom half was no more, and all that remained of him was his torso and his barely functional arms. Wires were hanging from his cut bottom half, and electrical sparks often shined then and there as oil sometimes spilled out in great amounts. His eyes were flashing violently in a golden color, and his artificial human-like speech blurred into a glitch, rendering him sounding like the first era of text-to-speech.

No sooner, emergency flares shot up into the sky and boomed violently in helpless scarlet and orange flashes. It wasn't a few flares. Not ten, not fifty, nor a hundred.

There were more than and way over a thousand red flares that shot into the sky.

A wave of helpless glitchy screams echoed from the bottom of the glacial cliff, the rumbling force of a hundred explosions boomed, and the sound of bullets ricocheting on ice glimmered like the thousands of stars over the land of ice.

Another powerful chilling breeze rushed past. The flares continued to shine and gave off their mercy-begging red lights on the blue ice. I looked back at the two robots. The first one had already fallen to his knees, carefully embracing the disabled robot on the blanket and even covering him with his ruined uniform.

I walked closer to them. They didn't seem to see me as the two robots only looked at each other in a brotherly manner. My footsteps left no trail on the snow, and yet I felt the atmosphere and its deathly chill, and the melancholy that spread so far in the air. The two robots were talking to each other. They had... souls.

"Heh, heh, you look good!.." The disabled robot laughed and coughed. He put his weak hands on the other robot's shoulders and patted it gently.

"Brother, brother, be serious right now!" Whispered the first robot. He quickly looked at all the materials he had on him. He was agitated, his hands shook violently as he grabbed his computer from his bag, opened it, and plugged his motherboard wiring and the disabled robot's wire into the computer's USB port. "I'm going to shut you down for now so you won't die... Hopefully, it overrides the fact you lost your bottom half. Gosh, I hope it does. Please!" The first robot helplessly wrote lines of codes and commands on the computer linked to the disabled robot's motherboard. His hands shook violently and his fingers hesitantly but quickly flew over the keyboard, accidentally writing typos.

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