Part 3

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(Enids pov and if all y'all didn't know your enid also this may contain cussing, brave enid, violence, love,carnid pls dont hate ) 

Before I was done thinking Carl put his face close to mine as his face started getting closer his beautiful eyes never looked so pretty as his soft lips touched mine. I never felt so happy and warm inside. the next thing I knew we were kissing. The room was silent, the wind was loud and the room was full of happiness. As we pulled away he smiled.

Carl asked will you be my girlfriend?"

my eyes started filling up with tears as I said yes Carl I'll be your girlfriend.


I wake up to me and Carl is in the same bed. I blush realizing he slept in my bed with me and we kissed him so happy he's with me and I hope he doesn't die if he does what I'll do with myself.

Carl wakes up and says hey babe you good..??

I say yeah just thinking and can you promise me something carl?

He says it depends on what you're asking.

I say don't ever say can you promise me that.

He says ofc i won't leave you i love you enid don't ever think i will leave you especially on purpose.

I smile and kiss him passionately he kisses me back we break apart gasping for air

I say I love you so much carl.

He says I love you to ill....

We both hear a bunch of gunshots we both run to the window and look outside to see negan.

We both get scared in fear

I say how the hell did he get here? Did he follow us.?!!

Carl says i don't think so he never saw us do you think it's cause of them bringing maggie to hilltops doctor.....

We look at each other as we hear someone screaming carls name

Rick comes up the stairs and says carl enid we need to tell you something before you go get your selfs killed so why he's here is people in are group killed negan's people and on are way to hilltop we got ambushed and he bashed glenn and abrahams heads in for revenge then he took daryl as a way for us to forcefully listen and he's taking half of are stuff.

We both get pissed and yell and you fucking let him

Carl immediately grabs his gun and i grab my bow and arrows and we both run down to kill negan

When we get down there we find Negan and as Carl is about to shoot two of Negan's men point guns at are heads.

I get pissed and yell so you kill glenn and disiced to come here and excpect not to get killed not everyone is scared of you couse me and carl sure as hell aint so one way or another doesent matter if me or carl kill you your gonna die so better make us know you or kill us rn and find out what happens i fucking dare you!!!  

does anyone want a part 4 honestly i may write part 4 anyway couse i love writing

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