[Name] Profile

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Name: [Name] Morningstar



Gender: Female


Happy/Hazbin Hotel (Formerly)
Pigsy's Noodle (Currently)

Manager (Currently)
Princess of Hell (Currently)
Founder of The Happy/Hazbin Hotel (Currently)

Sunshine (Sun Wukong)
Starlight (Macaque)
Peaches (Sun Wukong)
Nightlight (Macaque)
Little Flame (Redson)
Darling (LBD)
Sweet pea (Mei/Chang'e)
Lotus Flower (Nezha)
The Princess of Hell (title)
Hon (Vaggie)
My Dear (Alastor)
Princess (Husk)
Sweetheart (Alastor)
Charming Demon Belle (Alastor)

Redemption, The betterment of Hell, Positivity, Frappuccinos, Singing, Musicals, Stories with happy endings and strong characters, Rehabilitation, Hazbin Hotel, The monkie Kids,  Doodling, Mei and Mk,

Vices, Losing her people to the yearly extermination, People ridiculing the Happy Hotel, People doubting the idea of redemption, Negativity, Hurt Friends, Reminding her of her impossible goal

Reading, writing, Cleaning, singing, Dancing

[Name] Appearance:

[Name] is a tall, slender hellborn demon, standing at around 6 feet tall or over

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[Name] is a tall, slender hellborn demon, standing at around 6 feet tall or over. She has long, (H/C) with (2/F/C) which is tied into a twice-banded low ponytail. Her (H/C) bangs flip to her left with a curl.

Her lips are black and she has rosy red cheeks, Her eyes are (E/C) with light yellow sclera and she has thick black eyelashes. She also has hooves.

She accessorizes with a small black bowtie and black suspenders, with an untucked white, long-sleeved dress-shirt. Over this she usually wears a fitted (F/C) tuxedo jacket with dark-red lapels and a pair of (F/C) fitted pants. She wears black and white saddle shoes.
(Thank you to @SINFVLJAM
For the Pic. Check them out in Divianart i think)

[Name] Demon Form

When in her full demon form, a pair of dark-reddish horns protrude from her head while her eyes' sclera turn bright red with white irises and slit pupils

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When in her full demon form, a pair of dark-reddish horns protrude from her head while her eyes' sclera turn bright red with white irises and slit pupils. Along with Dark red Fire that is similar to the samadhi Fire

[Name] personality

[Name] is compassionate and empathetic to a fault, feeling genuine upset at the idea of harm coming to others.
Although she isn't unaware that Hell is populated with souls that have committed egregious acts in their living lives, she still views their yearly extermination as a senseless waste and makes it her personal mission to help them avoid it via self-betterment and eventual redemption, something she is seemingly alone in believing is possible.

[Name]'s idealism, while setting her apart from many of her hellborn peers, can also make her naïve to many of the harsh realities that appear to stand in the way of her potential success

This can also cause her to rush headlong into the initial stages of her plans without much preparation (her prompt list before her big news appearance reading only "unicorn kisses, dolphin high fives, sing showtunes = happy ending?").

[Name] has a love for musical theatre, song and dance, and will often convey her emotions and ideas through showtunes and ballads. She appears to take perceived failures hard, as she believes her heartfelt theatrical passion should be enough to bring people over to her way of thinking, and is disheartened when it's not as simple as she imagines. She openly admits during a dejected voicemail to her mother that she doesn't actually know what she is doing, or how to make her plan for reforming sinners work in practice.

Despite being sweet and lacking 'street-smarts', this doesn't make [Name] a pushover or stupid. When people insult her or openly mock her ideals and plans, she has no hesitation in standing up for herself, or even rolling up her sleeves to physically fight back. She is also not above letting a few cuss words slip.

[Name] also displays some grounding in her idealism, understanding that not all demons can be redeemed, or even likely to change for the better. She displays sensible hesitation when confronted with an ambiguous deal from Alastor, the notorious Radio Demon, refusing the shake his hand and using her status to make demands of him (albeit with some sheepishness).

Demon Transformation
-[Name] can enter a fearsome, more powerful Demon form.[9]
-According to Faustisse, both [Name] and her father have the ability to summon wings and are capable of flight.
-[Name] is able to summon fire at will while in any form. The pyrotechnics shown during "I'm Always Chasing Rainbows" were summoned from the palm of her hand. She can later be seen using it again (albeit offscreen) to set Tom Trench on fire during her brawl at 666 News.
Demonic Magic
-Being the daughter of Lucifer, [Name] can access powerful magic that is exclusive to the higher-ranking demons.

Angel Dust
Mr. Tang
Sun Wukong
Princess Iron Fan
Demon bull King

Lady Bone demon (More like Lady bitch demon)
The mayor
Spider Queen
Goldin-Winged Peng
Azure lion
Katie Killjoy

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