Hero is Born [Ep 0]

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[Name] and MK Were quietly listening to Tang stories of Monkey King But MK only listened to the Monkey King's Part only Saying how Cool and Handsome he was. [Name] Can't lie she always liked Listening to Mr Tang's Stories!. MK began to fanboy about Monkey King Saying that he has monkey king documented In his life! Which was weird

Tang:"It's quite Nice Having Some people listen to My stories Well you know the deal One story, one free bowl of Zha jiang mian! "

Mk:"oh right! The free noodles almost forgot about that one. Here-"

Mk was about give him the bowl but Got hit by a spoon by Pigsy almost hitting [Name] in the process The bowl was flying to Pigsy Without a drop of the soup nor noodles

Pigsy:"Free noodles!? No one gets Free noodles at Pigsy's! I'm not running a charity Here Tang!!"

Tang:"ah, but Pigsy I was paying with wisdom!"

Pigsy:"Yeah well Wisdom doesn't pay rent! Ya freeloader! And You! You've been slacking off All morning! I've got dozen orders that need to get out!! So quit slacking and Get packing!"

Mk:"I was about to go on my break........."

Pigsy:"Break? Break?! Theres no break in war! I need Workers. Soldiers In the army of Pigsy's noodles! Home of the worlds longest noodles! How else am I gonna expand my Business Into the enemy's territory?!"

[Name]:"You mean the Restaurant across the Street?"

[Name] exclaimed pointing at the Restaurant across the street through the window

Pigsy:"I stand by my statement. Now hurry up Mk!"

Pigsy gave MK the noodles they needed to deliver before kicking them out MK then went on his way to deliver the noodles with [Name] Since She wanted to Come too, When they stopped by a construction Place where apparently someone ordered the noodles [Name] had a bad feeling about this but kept to Herself and went towards the place with MK holding the packages noticing Two people one woman and one Boy Before Hiding behind the wall Then up the pipes

PIF:"It feels like I've waited an eternity for this moment. Is everything in order?"

Redson:"Just making the final adjustments mother"

PIF:"Finally, after all this time, we have the means to lift the monkie King's Legendary staff!"

She said Looking at the small mountain that had a orange tree With a Gold and red Staff lodge in it before a Weird looking Bird landed on the Pipe

Mk:"wow, monkey kings staff........"


Mk:"oh right! Sorry"

PIF:"My love Will finally be returned once we Remove that staff, huh?"

Then a robot bull Came to the Staff trying to get it but lost Bot of their arms In the process before falling down the mountain [Name] winced Feeling bad for the poor bull robot

Redson:"you fool! You think we didn't try that Already? It's gonna take more than a few robots to lift the monkey kings staff! But I Redson have designed this gauntlet to bend it to my will!"

Redson said in a confident voice as a Gauntlet appeared at his left hand They watched as Redson Lifted the staff with all his might Before the Bull robots clapped at his Victory While MK started to slip which made [Name] panic but fortunately He grabbed to another pipe Before Redson cheered but noticed nothing happened He went to his mother to ask if that was the correct mountain

Redson:"what? Why isn't anything happening?! Mother, are you sure This is the right mountain?"

PIF:"No, maybe it was that other mountain with the magical staff sealing away my husband! Huh?"

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