Chapter/10/Bright as your eyes

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(This chapter is the final part of chapter 8).


No one's POV:

Femma and issac started to find Izzy's headquarters, the battle of the demons vs humans already started, but femma and issac were not there, just still finding Izzy's headquarters as they're walking still.

Femma and issac walks as the wind blows the cold winds, making femma super duper cold atleast she has hoodie with her to bit cool her down, as they're trying to find Izzy's headquarters, they suddenly found it.

"Yo, find it." Issac pointin' at the headquarters of Izzy, Brittany, and lapis, "so, where do we find the entrance issac?" Femma question, "just find it!" Issac cheerfully said, they try and try to find the entrance and found it up high.

"Oh dear, how do we... Get up?" Femma does her question again, since Issac is good at climbing, they climb and climbed and made it to the entrance and open it, they saw lapis holding two large guns at them.

"I not afraid to shot." Lapis said lyingly 'bout her shooting them.

"Cmon, do it if you want to." Femma said threateningly, making lapis to a bit lose her balance between the large guns.

"Stop it! Or else i-i will... Actually shot you! Hah! Sounds good right?" Lapis said still gripping the large guns, Issac is scared while femma was not.

They were standing still, lapis scared, Issac scared, femma grabbed lapis' large guns and pointed it at lapis herself making femma gripped them harder, lapis was scared and punch Issac in the face to threaten femma.

Femma notice it and throwed the large guns somewhere to make lapis to have it again, lapis notice it and was about to have the guns 'til femma made lapis tripped hard, lapis was in pain after that trip, femma make sure if Issac was okay and he was, so they ran away from lapis to not run in to her again.

When Issac and femma were running away Brittany saw lapis hurt bad, so she rushed down to make sure lapis is okay.

"Lapis! Are you okay? Why are you hurt so bad?" Brittany said to lapis to make sure she's okay, "I not, fems and Issac was here, make sure izzy is good, since I okay already." Lapis said to make Brittany not mad at them, "no! I'll beat them up if they do that again..." Brittany said resting lapis' head carefully and run to find femma and issac.

Making lapis sad, since she doesn't want anyone to get hurt because of her.

As femma and issac is running to destroy izzy, Brittany appear in front of them, Brittany punch femma as hard as a rock and issac got a bat and punch Brittany with it, femma got up and beat up Brittany as an actual large rock vs Logan paul.

Femma punch her hard, kick her hard, and pulled her hair hard, and won the fight, Issac was shocked due to femma fighting like that but never in the 1st mission.

"How did ya fight like that but not in the 1st mission?!" Issac question hard, "because it was a demon, but that girl ain't a demon." Femma answered.

They walked since no enemies to fight, Brittany down, and lapis down, but the girlboss ain't down.

They found Izzy's room, she was talking to her own family members on the cell phone.

"Shut it mom!"

"Sweetie, your perfect, so please don't be a baddd girl!"

"I already one, mom."

"Who's cares about that! Sweetie, I want a good girl, not a bad girl, so trust me, being a good girl is great! Cause you do your chores perfect, you did your bedroom without my help, and get perfect A+'s! You were even the teachers favorite since preschool!!"

"That's not me anymore mom, I changed, I not the girl you raised anymore, why did you made me like this, a little perfect brat?"

"But.. Your not a brat sweetie! Your perfect the way you are!"

"I not, I said I changed a lot when you moved to California, I became meaner, bad, rude, and cruel, this is not the daughter you raised anymore, I even want to change my name! So trust me... I not your daughter you failure, you failed to make a perfect daughter without realizing it! I got out of my collage, I a brat now, and became racist from social media from thinking black are the villains from a racist social media user! Think about it."

"....dont use the social media anymore young lady! You become racist from it! And-"

"And what? You didn't heard the others? Great! A dumb mother, goodbye!" Izzy exit the phone call, crying.

An actual tear dropped on her blue eyes.

Issac and femma were sad 'bout her being like this so they did not fight her after that and went to somewhere far, a bobby's french fries restaurant.

They order an original fries with Mayo+ketchup combine dipping sauce.

"So that's why Izzy was a rude, cruel girl since her mom was moving to California." Femma explain.

"Her mom wanted to her to be a perfect daughter, even tho all 8 or 7 billion people are not perfect."

[The end]

(The reason why the title is "bright as your eyes" is because of Izzy crying after the phone call seeing her blue eyes dropping a tear.)

Words: 904

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