All My Classmates are Female PT1

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0730 Classroom 1, IS Academy, Japan

The IS academy is the first and only school in the world to be dedicated to training IS pilots. Only those chosen or those who prove their affinity with an IS may be able to attend. This academy was only attended by women. The reason being, the IS, the Infinite Stratos.

The IS for a reason only known to its creator, could only be operated by women and therefore, men were an oddity in the world of the IS, let alone at the IS academy. So when one just happens to be attending, it is a shock, sounding farcical, when two attend, it sound ridiculous, ludicrous, batshit insane even, almost like bad comedy. You would get funny looks seriously saying any man was attending the academy, let alone two but, as Mark Twain put it, "It's no wonder that truth is stranger than fiction. Fiction has to make sense."

Within a class on the first day of the school year, one would expect everyone talking, not knowing or caring for the rules, however it was quite the opposite. The reason for this uncharacteristic silence? A boy, sitting in the front and center of the room, Ichika Orimura, who was sweating enough to fill a small pool.

I: "This is way, way harder than expected."

Right after Ichika quietly lamented his predicament, a woman with green hair and a yellow blouse entered the room, where she congratulated the class for attending the school.

Y: "Congratulations for making it into this school. I'm your first-year sub home-room teacher, Ms. Maya Yamada."

She finishes before freezing up for a few seconds, noticing a big elephant in the room. However, she quickly regains her composure and continues.

Y: "Starting today, you are all now students of the IS Academy. As you know, this is a boarding school. Students are together during and after school hours so, I hope you will all get along and help each other, making the next three years enjoyable."

Yamada finishes and freezes again before talking, still trying to keep her composure in face of the fact that there was indeed a boy in the class.

Y: "Uhh, n-now moving on to self introductions. Let's go by numerical order on the class role."

Yamada goes through the names one by one, making sure everyone that was supposed to be there was. This was done all the while Ichika was distracted with his thoughts. He was soon snapped out of his stupor when he was called out by Yamada.

Y: "Hello! Ichika Orimura!"

Ichika, caught off guard flinches and is quick to react. And, react he did.

I: "Here!"

His sudden realization and exclamation was found amusing by the girls in the class and they all proceeded to laugh.

Y: "I do apologize for being so loud just then but, we started out with the "A's" and have gone all the way up to the "O's" so, would you introduce yourself now, pretty please?"

I: "You really don't need to be so apologetic."

It was now time to put out his second impression as, his first wasn't too graceful. Ichika sat thinking about what to say for a solid second before the time came. The result being, he wasn't going to be making a good second impression either. He stood up and presented himself.

I: "Ughh. Ichika Orimura, nice to meet you all!"

Realizing he wasn't ready, Ichika panicked and looked around, noticing everyone but one, staring at him. Before continuing, he took a deep breath and put his hands on his desk. 

Seeing this, everyone let out a gasp and stared even harder in anticipation, expecting a grand conclusion.

I: "That is all!"

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