Prep Week PT2

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(Author's Note: If I ever bring up a piece of media, feel free to replace it w/ whatever, be it appropriate or otherwise. )

0700 Cafeteria IS Academy

It was now Thursday, four days before Y/N's match with Cecilia and he was still worrying about it. Y/N's range day yesterday didn't really do much for increasing his aptitude for using the IS so, he was thinking what could he possibly do.

In the cafeteria, the trio of Ichika, Houki, and Y/N were sitting at a table. The former two were enjoying their meals, while Y/N had his face on the table with an empty tray to his side.

Y/N: "Uuughhhh."

I: "Everything alright there?"

Ichika would not receive a response.

H: "Clearly not."

Still with his face planted on the table, Y/N began to rub his temples, thinking hard. After a few seconds of rubbing his temples and a few groans, Y/N lifted his face up from the table and faced Ichika.

Y/N: "It's just, ah. Hm. You two know if I can rent out an IS to practice with it?"

H: "Yeah, just go to the front desk in one of the arenas. If there are any available, they should be able to lend it to you."

Y/N: "You can do that? Why wasn't I informed about this?"

H: "Assumed you knew."

Y/N: "I uh. Well...I guess I didn't. I'll look into that after class today. It would have been nice to know this earlier but better late than never."

While Y/N was wallowing in his ignorance, Ichika was nervously looking around, like a gazelle looking for lions.

Y/N: "You good there man? Something spook ya?"

I: "Just wondering if Chifuyu is around. I don't want to accidently make her mad again."

Y/N: "Oh, what's the worst that could happen? I joke but, is she going to hit you again? I swear with a sister like her, who needs enemies?"

I: "Well, uh, she isn't that bad. You just need to get to know her better. Trust me, she is a lot nicer than she seems."

Hearing Ichika's retort, Y/N just stared at him, not a single emotion present on his face. This went on for about 10 seconds before Y/N furrowed his brows.

Y/N: "Sure. I'll believe it when I see it."

After not buying Ichika's claims, Y/N pulled out his phone and checked the time. After his quick glance, he put his phone down on the table.

Y/N: "Well, it's about 7:05 so, I have about 15 minutes to do something."

I: "What are you going to do?"

Y/N responded with a shrug of his shoulders before leaning back into his chair, staring up at the ceiling. He would stare up for an unnecessarily long time, all while not saying a coherent word, simply mumbling. 

Feeling that his conversation with Y/N had come to an end, Ichika would return to eating his breakfast. While this was happening, Houki stared at Y/N, weirded out over his sudden trance. Wanting to snap Y/N out, Houki waved her hand over his eyes, trying to get his attention. This appeared to snap Y/N out, and he slightly recoiled into his chair.

Y/N: "What was that for?"

H: "You were acting weird. What were you even doing? You were just staring off into space."

Y/N: "For your information ma'am, I figured I had time to kill so...hmm."

Y/N had scrunched up his face, seemingly in deep thought.

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