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✨Her future husband is going to have the coolest wife lol✨.

Author's POV

The loose curls danced on the side of her face and a smile flickered on those plum lips were making her look more beautiful.

"Mere baccha kha kho gye mumma?"She dramatically inquired with her mother about her children's whereabouts while holding back the urge to laugh.

"Where have my children gone mumma?"

Adavit pressed his tiny palms against his mouth to stifle his giggles and tried to cover himself more in her mother's pallu to hide himself.

Aayan too was preventing his giggles and made his eyes roam in every corner to see if his mother can catch him or not under the table where he was hiding himself.

Aadrika sighed a relief and dramatically started to find her children as they insisted her to play with them Hide and seek and she gladly accepted their wish.

She could certainly see Aayan under the wooden table as it was small in size and wasn't covering even his half body and Advait chose to hide himself with her saree's pallu like it's the safest place.

Aren't they too innocent?!!!

But afterall she chose to play as she could hear their melodious giggling, could see the excited and joyous filled eyes,could touch their tiny hands which were delicate and soft like the petals of rose.

It seemed like they have become the cause of her euphoria.

"Hey God! Where are my kids?"She sorrowfully uttered.

"Maa Find us naaa". Adavit energetically said and immediately hid himself properly with his mother's pallu.

Yeah,they call her Maa as they found it difficult in pronouncing the five alphabets word mumma nevertheless Aadrika's heart still filled up with warmness and unconditional love for her children whenever they call her maa as happiness shimmered inside her.

Arjun a moment ago came back in the hall again after the telephonic conversation with his secretary about some crucial business.


His steps halted and stopped moving in the direction where they were going. It seemed that the land beneath his feets slipped and he stood frozen on his place after witnessing his children were calling Aadrika their mother. He had assumed that it would certainly take an internity to make his children understand that now she's going to be their mother but here the whole story was different.

"Does this Scooty lover know some black magic?".This unreal thought on a sudden popped up in his mind but he hastily shook this mindless thing.

He noticed how affectionately and lovingly she hold his children in her arms like she has been knowing them for a long time. He saw a glint of mischievous in her eyes and in a moment she tickled his children making them burst into giggles while she herself erupted in laughter unaware of the fact that someone's gaze was engaged in staring her.

He also keenly observed how his children gave her flying kisses and she dramatically grabbed them in her fists and prevented to insert those air kisses in her heart and squeezed out a grin.


He had never taught these things to his children then........Who!!!????

But out of the blue someone called his name,breaking his train of thoughts and he saw his children sluggishly sitting on her lap, leaning their heads on her shoulder and were whispering something in her ear which she was enthusiastically hearing.

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