Part 1

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"An arrogant."

"Oh yes definitely arrogant."


"Hm hm, yes. What else?"


"A big mouth huh?"


"Anything else?"

"Oh you want the full list? Sloppy, reckless, impatient, he has an enormous ego, greedy, aggressive, manipulative, disrespectful and HEARTLESS LITTLE BITCH!" Yelled the bodyguard towards his boss.

A dark hedgehog looked startled from the bodyguard who just barged in. He looked nervous from the guard towards the person behind the desk, who looked calm and only nodded understandable.

"I RESIGN, I'm done with that annoying little brat!" He took his security badge from his chest and slammed it on the desk.

The dark streaked hedgehog looked shocked at the big guy who interrupted his job interview. The guy angrily turned around and slammed the door shut as he left the office. He gulped and looked back at the man behind the desk who was sitting calmly with his fingers intertwined. As if nothing had happened he calmly smiled at him and slid the security badge towards the dark hedgehog.

"Well seems you're in a luck, we just had a job opening."

The streaked hedgehog sighed as the way this man had yelled didn't mean anything good, but at this point he wasn't in any luxury to refuse a job, so he took the badge from the desk. "So what's the job?" He asked with a sigh, as the way this previous guy left didn't sound promising.

"You will be the bodyguard of a famous teenager. He's our teenage popstar number one. He already warn out a number of bodyguards," He said with an apologetic chuckle, "But it's a well paid job, his father will pay you $4.500 a month with deduction of taxes."

His jaw dropped in surprise. 'How could someone walk away from such a well paid job?' He thought.

"You will be at the side of this kid almost 24/7, he has a lot of fans who wants to get physical so keep them on a distance."

"Won't I need special training to do so?"

His new boss waved away his comment, "That won't be necessary, you've the right degrees and knowing the other bodyguards you probably will be gone in 3 months time. But you're able to get in contact with your new colleagues with whom you can always spar with."

The dark hedgehog nodded, not feeling like he wanted to disagree with his new boss.

"Here you have his weekly schedule." His boss said and handed him a piece of paper. It's your responsibility he will get to his appointments in time. He lives on his own and needs your supervision. You will stay in contact with his father."

The hedgehog raised his eyebrows surprised, "This kid doesn't live with his parents?"

His new boss chuckled, "Of course not, even his father can't stand him."

The hedgehog frowned by his words as he wondered to what kind of a job he was agreeing to and looked down to the piece of paper he just got handed to him. He frowned at it, but started to understand why it was such a well paid job as it indeed would be a 24/7 kind of job. But at this moment he didn't mind.

"It will be your job to protect him at all times. You will have your own suite to withdraw and train."

He raised his eyebrows surprised, this news came as a relieve as he had been crashing on his friends couch for a few weeks now.

"So, as you can see it's quite a busy schedule. The Mondays are a rest day, he only get visited by his therapist and his home school teacher will visit in the afternoon. Tuesday you accompany his at 6am to jog, from 10 till 1 his person coach will train him, in the afternoon his choreographer will train with him and in the evening he should be studying by himself."

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