Challenge #24

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1. Attach a rope to your nipple clamps and wear them. Now tie the rope to a higher place so that your nipples get pulled a lot. Try kneeling or squatting now.

2. Snap your nipple with a rubber band 10 times.

3. Give yourself a chair wedgie and stay in it for 30 minutes while pinching your nipples.

4. Suggested by @Playrarityplay1   
     drink 3 water bottles, shove ice cubes as many as you can fit up your pussy, twist your thong and get into a bouncing wedgie, if your thong rips, your aloud to pee, if you fail then keep bouncing if your thong rips then take your wet rip thong and put the wet side in your mouth and tug on you clit after you do that your good.

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