One bed trope?

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I was awake and dressed as early as 8.30am the following morning. I'd told Kate what to prepare the night before because I was determined to be at work on or before 9am today, I had to prove to my direct superiors that I was not some privileged girl who scored a job at my father in-laws company.

General met me on the dining table. I served him his food and served some for myself as well, I wanted to take it to go but he was not buying it.

I'd just rounded up and was wearing my sandals when a voice rang above my head, "good morning ya Madinah." The person before me was Laila, and she'd said my name, but I was almost sure she wasn't talking to me.

Adeel walked into the living room just at that moment, she shared eye contact with him before turning back to me. Did he put her up to this?

"I am sorry for what happened last night, I did not mean to offend you." I stared at her, her sincerity frightening me, i couldn't believe this was the same girl that called me fat on a table of people.

I found my voice and spoke up, "It's okay Laila, you don't have to apologize."

"Thank you ya Madinah." I looked at her in suspicion before quickly brushing it off and replacing it with a smile.

I got up and turned to General, "the driver is here, I am leaving now."

He simply nodded at me which was my cue to leave. The driver and my guards that I swear I went twenty years just fine without, were waiting for me. They opened the door for me and I got into the car, straight to the office.


I rounded up a bit earlier than five pm today. My supervisor also informed me that I had a project that was supposed to be based in a different state, Bauchi state to be precise, and that I would have to go see the site for myself first.

It was not meant to be my project but my colleague who'd worked here far longer than I have, recently left on maternity leave, so I was put as a replacement. I simply told her that I'd get back to her because frankly I was not sure what Adeel was going to say. He did not seem like the type to stop me, but with the way he's very keen on security, I was worried he might be against it. If so, i am sure he could speak to my supervisor to assign someone else on the project. I really hated to be the employee who had her husband given direct orders on her behalf, but i had no choice.

I walked downstairs and outside where the driver was waiting, got in and he drove us straight home.

I took a shower and changed before coming downstairs and preparing dinner. Kate prepared the salaad while I prepared the food and together we were done in no time. I had her prepare the tea since i taught her the recipe while mary set the table.

I on the other hand lit up some bakhoor in the house until I heard the door knob turn and my husband walked through it.

"Welcome back."

He nodded at me, i dropped the burner and collected the few files he had in his hand, doting wife and all.

"Dinner is ready." I tell him as we walked further into the room and to the staircase area.

"I'm going to freshen up and pray first. Have you started praying?"

"Yes." I answered him since I'd just performed ghusl that evening when I got back from school and I'd already prayed the previous prayers.

I followed him to his room where I dropped the files on the dresser and then went to a different bathroom to perform ablution. He'd already laid the prayer mats by the time I got back so we both prayed Maghreb and said our adhkar.

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