Chapter 1

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   My eyes flutter open, light resting upon my face through the slit in my thin curtains.
I turn over in my bed,  planting my face back onto the soft pillow.
The sound of the alarm clock ringing fills my ears.
I reach my hand over and click the snooze button.
   I sit up, pushing my blanket to the side.
My feet plant on the cold hardwood floor.
I yawn softly, stretching my arms above my head.
I stand up and shuffle to my messy dresser, opening the top drawer.
My eyes flit over the folded clothes, and I pick up a pair of black jeans and a grey sweatshirt.
   I walk to the bathroom, Locking the door behind me.
I stand in front of the mirror and take in my disheveled appearance. I change into my clean clothes.
My eyes are drawn to my hair, all knotted and frizzy. I take my brush and slide it through my hair.
It gets caught many times before it slips through my black hair smoothly.
   I separate my hair into three sections, crossing one over the other until my hair is in a simple plait. I wipe my face with a damp washcloth, then leave the bathroom. A soft knock comes from my door. I open it, seeing my mother.
   "Good morning, Fala" she says softly
   "Good morning mom" I reply
   She holds out a small paper bag for me.
I take the bag from her, placing it on my bed
   "It's some food for you to take with you"
   I smile, glad she remembered I am going out today.
She walks away quietly.
I close the door as she leaves, heading back over to my bed.
The bag she gave me lies on my bed.
I pick up my backpack, and put it inside.
Inside my backpack is the bag, a first aid kit, a water bottle, and some other emergency supplies.
   I slide the straps onto my shoulders, before leaving my room.
I enter the kitchen, spotting my mom.
   "Give me a hug before you go"

  "Of course mom" I saw said softly
   She walks over to me and wraps her arms around my shoulders.
I return the hug, wrapping my arms around her too.
She squeezes me gently before letting go.
   "Good luck Fala" she says to me.
   I nod in thanks and head to the front door.
I turn the knob and step outside.
The cool morning breeze bites at my nose.
I close the door behind me and take a step down the concrete stairs.
I walk down the path and step onto the sidewalk.
   I watch people passing by, all busy.
I sigh softly, before walking forward. Today is going to be my first day going outside the wall.
They send people out to find supplies, food and to do jobs. It's a dangerous job, due to all the undead. Everyone has to do it once they reach the age of 20.
   Yesterday was my 20th birthday, and they let you have that day to celebrate, before sending you out.
I walk down the sidewalk, avoiding any cracks that came from the tree roots growing wild.
Things are growing wild because after the virus spread, governments didn't have resources for upkeep. So that's Is why we must all leave the safety of the walls to help out community. We also will be paid well for it.
   I come up to a metal door, two guards standing on either side.
They look down at me, a bland look in their eyes.
   "State your Business, Girl." One of them says blankly
   "I'm here to do my required volunteer work outside the wall" I state calmly
   "Ah, twentieth birthday yesterday?"
   I nod, confirming his question.
The guard unlocks the door, opening it.
I walk through the door and he closes it behind me.
A woman calls out to me.
   "Hello, name please" she says loud enough for me to hear.
I walk up to her stand, looking at the papers on the surface.
   "Name please" she says again, more sternly this time.
   "Fala. Fala C" I reply
   The lady writes my name down on her white board. She looks back up at me.
   "First time going outside the wall, huh?" She says, not looking up from her computer.
   "Yep, turned twenty yesterday." I reply
   "Mhm. Well, just go down that hall and they will set you up with your supplies and introduce you and the rest of the team that'll be joining you." She responds.
   I nod and turn away. I start walking to that hall, peeking around the corner. I walk down the hallway, before entering the large room with a few guards and a small group of maybe 4 other people. They look around my age.
   I walk up to the oldest looking of the group.
They all look at me, taking in my appearance.
   "Ah, so the new team member is you" I hear a familiar voice say.
A tall man walks forward, with heavy steps.
   "Didn't know we would be on the same team, Lucas" I say, recognizing the guy standing in front of me.
Me and Lucas have been friends since our childhood. Many thought it was weird for a girl and boy to be friends, but we didn't care. We haven't seen each since the beginning of this whole thing.
   "Well, happy belated 20th birthday to you" he says with a chuckle.
A grin spreads across my face.
   "And how long has it been since you turned 20? 2-3 years?" I reply teasingly.
   He chuckles a bit more.
   "Anyway, we need to get you ready."
   He hands me an axe, and a small bag.
I sit down on a chair and peek inside.
He sits on the chair next to me and watches me go through the bag.
Inside the bag is a food Ration and gear.
I pull the food ration out and place it in my bag. I then put on the gear, which consisted of arm and leg guards, a bulletproof vest, and a helmet.
   "Ready to go?" He says

~authors note~
This is going to be a novel, and my first one too. I'm writing it on here because I want feedback before I publish it for real. I will probably post the chapters slowly, but I will make sure each one is over 1000 words.

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