What the fuck?? (1)

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Nothing felt quite right. One day, things just changed, and Childe was left with the nagging sensation that something was missing. He would stare at the 6th Harbinger spot at meetings, as if there was meant to be another presence. Often, he'd turn to converse with an imaginary companion.

He would dismiss it as the effects of working on little sleep, but this time was different. It seemed like someone played a cruel trick on him, leaving him in a messed-up situation. Despite questioning his comrades, no answers surfaced.

If he concentrated, he could vaguely recall a smaller figure beside him and a taunting voice branding him a fool. The overly bitter tea and dango he would buy as if on instinct. The warmth of hands ruthlessly beating him in battle, under the starlit sky on freezing nights.

Deep within, his soul insisted there was another intimately acquainted with him, sharing secrets and fears. Childe remembered the vulnerability and security of sharing his past, cursed at by this unknown person, treating him the same no matter what—no fear, no pity. The feeling of being whacked with a hat as he threw his head back in laughter.

Childe might be considered a fool, but he wasn't entirely foolish. There was once someone, and something happened to erase them from memory. He nearly forgot too, but his soul retained the knowledge. He just had to find them.

Unfortunately, as he was looking for a lead, his Archon, the Tsaritsa, recalled him, instructing him to assist the Knave in retrieving the Gnosis at Fontaine. The mission went awry with his vision failing, false accusations, and imprisonment.

And of course his misfortune persisted, confronting the Narwhal from his past in the unknown abyss. He faced the challenge as if he were 14 again, the battle enduring too long. His Foul Legacy form wreaked havoc, yet he persisted, attempting to prove his master wrong and protect the innocent from this stubborn Narwhal.

Eventually, the battle concluded, and he woke to his master's serious gaze. "Brat, you could do better, but it ain't the worst attempt," she scolded.

Childe chuckled, "Never thought you'd consider my attempt alright." Skirk responded with a kick, "Laugh later. Get back to Teyvat. Something big is coming. Tell your pal to be careful too."

Desperate for information, Childe immediately sat up and pleaded, "Please, Master, tell me more about him. You're the only one who remembered." Skirk sighed and hinted at erased existence from Irminsul. "If he's in Teyvat, he still exists somewhere."

Lost in thought, Childe rushed back to Teyvat, fueled by newfound determination. After many portals, he encountered the traveler first, and Paimon expressed surprise at his injuries.

"I'm fine, but I need to talk to our traveler friend privately," Childe said. The Traveller became suspicious, asking, "What do you need?"

Childe smiled painfully, "Not much, just wanted to clarify some things." They nodded, and Childe cautiously mentioned his master's implication about Irminsul and existence removal.

The Traveller hesitated, aware of Celestia's watchful eye. Childe waited, understanding the unspoken danger. Choosing words carefully, he asked about his missing friend. They confirmed meeting him in Sumeru, a new arrival caught up in recent events.

"Wanderer, huh?" Childe thought, the name not quite fitting but offering a lead, he must've got rid of his name. "Traveler, do you know where I can find him?" he inquired.

"Yeah, your best bet is to seek Kusanali under the guise of a diplomatic meeting. Your friend is her apprentice," They revealed.

"Thanks. I appreciate your help," Childe said cheerfully, his hopes rekindled. "If you need anything, you know how to find me," They assured.


Ever since Childe had remembered The Wanderer, he couldn't help but want to confront him. Why did he leave the Fatui? It just didn't make sense to him, and why did no one else remember him? Why was he the only one that did? Why did he get lonely before remembering him? They never used to get along much except for the rare times, so why?

"You never value something until it's gone," Childe muttered under his breath. Only after he left did he miss his stupid hat, looking for it unconsciously everywhere he went. Only when he was gone did he miss the angry face, only when he was gone did he regret not trying to at least make him smile more. Only when he was gone did he wish he'd done more to make him feel more than a puppet, a tool.

Childe sighed, thinking about visiting the wanderer but couldn't help and wonder what if he forgot him, what if he hated him, what if he didn't want any reminders of the Fatui, what if he wanted a clean break from his past?

"If... If I met him again... This time I won't regret anything... I'll try to make him smile as much as... possible..." Childe yawned, drifting off to sleep but not before feeling a sudden change in his environment and a shift in the weight on his chest. He ignored it, thinking nothing of it before falling further into his bed; which was oddly rough. "This time, I'll give you all my love," he muttered, snuggling into the oddly shaped blanket on his chest.

(???'s Pov)

"What the fuck??"

A/N: so like do yall like this so far or nah cause ion if i should continue

Btw this is also on ao3

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