"First kiss"

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This wasn't our first genuine kiss due to the fact I was not ready whatsoever and it was very unexpected

It was my friend Addie's birthday. She invited all her friends including her ultimate friends group, Me, Atlas, Jayden, Alex, Elena and Andrew. I was so excited even if I slightly nervous of seeing Atlas. Ever since that bonfire the only thing between us were the intense eye contacts we'd make when we we were in the same room. What can I say, the eye contacts were scary intense.

I got ready at my place, threw on a excessively short black glittery dress that was sort of a corset with long sleeves. Addie had requested me to wear the black one since she had the white one. Even if I didn't want to, I wanted her night to be just the way she wanted it so I threw the short black dress on and did my makeup in a soft natural look. I didn't want to steal Addie's spotlight so I did something simple... but I sure did want to impress Atlas. Maybe he'd make the first move. Maybe he'd kiss me. Maybe he'd make a move.

Once I was done I went downstairs where Alex was waiting for me. He whistled as he saw me, tease. I laughed and ruffled his hair.
"Getting ready to go to your future wife's birthday?" I tease my brother and laugh as I saw his cheeks getting pink. He had a big fat crush on Addie. It was obvious.
"Oh shut up and let's get going" he laughs and opens the door for me.

We walk outside into the late night and go to Alex's car. I loved the summer air. The warm night air was simply to die for. My tan sparkling from the sparkly body mist I bought. I was ready to impress someone... that someone being Atlas. Once we got in the car, my brother started driving to the meet up spot to pick up Atlas, Jayden and Andrew. And of course I was in the backseat. Great. At that point I hoped Atlas would sit in the front in the passengers seat and not besides me in the back.

Once my brother got to the meet up spot he waved at the boys and they made their way to the car. I saw Jayden get in the backseat besides me, I gave him a soft smile until I saw the other door open and saw Atlas getting on the left side of me and Andrew get in the passengers seat.Great. Jayden wasn't bad but I didn't want to sit next to Atlas just because I knew how weird it would be since nobody mentioned anything about the "moment" on the beach at the bonfire... the tension in the car was rising.

I looked forward as my brother started driving and talking with Andrew and soon enough, Jayden got in the conversation of the two. It was just me and Atlas that were silent. I kept glancing at him in the corner of my eye, sometimes I'd see him look right back. Damn it. The car ride was long towards the pier of the lake that led to the yacht the part was being held on. Addie's parents had a lot of money... they were business people and sure loved spoiling her, something I never got to experience but I was happy for her. I noticed the boys starting to get their muscles cramped up from sitting in the car so long. Atlas caught my eye as he started sitting straight and slightly man spreading yet still letting me have some space. Shit you should've seen how hot he looked in that position. Actually no, you shouldn't have.

His arms went the the top of the backseat and gently placed it around my shoulder. Oh god. My heart was racing. The talking of my brother and the other two blurring as I could only hear my heart thumping.
"Relax... I won't do anything" I heard him whisper slightly, he must've seen how my muscles were tense yet as soon as I heard his voice I relaxed. The amount of power he had over me was inexplicable.

As the car ride goes on I felt my body soon lean into him. Slowly resting my head on his shoulder, inhaling his cologne and seeing his chest slowly rise with every one of his peaceful breaths as he holds me closer to him. I notice my brother grinning in the rear view mirror and I smiled slightly before closing my eyes until we arrived at the party.

After about 20 minutes
Finally we arrived at the pier. My brother parked in the parking lot a bit further away before we all got out, Atlas helping me out by holding my hand. AHHH. I saw my short dress slowly lift as I was about to get out, I felt my heart race as I rapidly held it down swearing in my mind about how stupid I was to wear this short revealing dress.
Atlas noticed and smirked as he got in front of me leaning in the car door to block anyone from seeing something revealing if I wasn't careful.

I looked up at him and smiled slightly as I slowly and carefully got out the car, thankfully not revealing anything.
"Thanks" I smiled as I looked at him
He smiled and nudged me playfully "be careful tonight, there might be creeps"
I rolled my eyes with a smile and nudged him back playfully before he was walking towards the pier behind my brother, Jayden and Andrew. Atlas besides me. We all made our way to the huge yacht ahead. God Addie was a show off.

I saw her running down the pier towards me and I hugged her tightly.
"My favourite bestie if finally here!" She laughs and looks at me.
I laughed and hugged her tightly "happy birthday Addie" I smiled. She was so beautiful. Beautiful like the stars. I would sometimes be jealous of how pretty she was. I wondered if anybody saw me as pretty except the boys who only wanted me cause of my body.

I could see Addie and my brother sharing looks of happiness. They would definitely hook up by the end of the night.

After some time of catching up we all got on the yacht full of teenagers like us, music, lights, confetti, drinks, alcohol and all the fun things you could think off. I spent most my night dancing with Addie and Elena to different songs and laughing as I was having the best time of my life. I could only catch the boys laughing and having a good time too besides the drink table. Oh Atlas's smile had me weak.

The night went on and of course your lovely Alexa had to be crazy and do shots with Addie and other girls. And oh boy was I in for it. I did multiple shots, drank and laughed... my mind slowly becoming hazy. I felt like my dad. I felt guilty for drinking and for acting like him but it wasn't my fault right? I was just having fun... I couldn't possibly be like my father, he was out of my life anyways.

Not long goes by and the clock hit 11pm. It was late, people were still on the yacht and having fun whilst I was on the back side of the boat dancing, my dress slowly lifting up yet I was too drunk to notice. That's when I felt someone's hands slowly pull my dress down, I turn around and see Atlas looking at me with a worried look.
"Off the yacht, now" he says sternly yet in a quiet voice as he slowly pulls me off the yacht.
I tired fighting back but slowly gave in as I let him walk me down the pier away from the music taking me to the parking lot.

"What... what are you doing" I said in a slurred voice slightly as I walk beside him. He didn't respond, instead he only took me to my brother's car and slowly sat me on the hood of the car.
"Atlas I want to go back to the party" my voice was sleepy and slurred.
"No chance, you're drunk out of your mind! Your dress lifting, your eyes slowly closing, no way am I letting you go back"

I looked at him with an angry look.
"You're not the boss of me"
He gave me a smirk and towered over me, his breath on my lips
"Maybe not but I care about you Lex"
I felt my heart race as I looked up at him.
"Since that bonfire. I've fallen for you. I've always denied it and I've always hidden my feelings for you but the truth is whenever I'm around you I get weak. I get lost into your green eyes" he whispers in a low voice that made me gasp slightly.

"Atlas we can't..." I was so drunk I didn't even know what I was saying. How could I refuse this man?!

"Lex... please, I need you, I can't hold back my urge to just pin you to this car and kiss you until you can't breathe" (No joke I remember this part way too well ahhh)

I looked up at him as I slowly loved my hand to the side of his neck and slowly pulled him in as he wrapped his arm around my waist, his cologne making its way into my brain and almost making me faint due to how weak it made me. I was in love.

He wasted no time before crashing his lips against mine as he pulled my closer to him, picking me up and leaning me against the car door. His hand having a tight grip around my waist as the other one made its way to the side of my neck.

The kiss was inexplicably hot. I felt all the urge he put into it, all that tension and energy fading into the kiss. I knew the next morning I wouldn't remember this... but I didn't care, right now I was kissing him and that was all that mattered.

Once he pulled away we were both breathing heavily with smiles on our faces.
"You're not a bad kisser" I laugh as I tease him
"Not so bad yourself" he laughs and kisses my forehead.
"Too bad you won't remember this" I heard him whisper yet I knew so too... the next morning I had a huge hangover and it was like the kiss never happened... I kept denying I kissed him... great... back to tension.

(This didn't technically count as our first kiss, not romantically I would say since I was drunk and I kept denying it so I don't know😭 but I guess it was our first kiss even if I didn't remember it the next day🤷🏻‍♀️🤍)

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