The little things

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I know you weren't sad ever since you were born. So you've had happy moments by just enjoying life on its own, right? What're those things that made you happy even though it seemed insignificant?

I'll go first so you won't have to do it alone, okay? :)

I love how beautiful and calming the woods looks during the day,
I love when someone waves at me or gives me a little bit of attention so I know they didn't ignore me,
I love when someone tells me to have a good day and they genuinely mean it,
I love how you can hold your breath and stay ever so silent just so you can hear the birds outside,
I love how good it feels when you hold hands with someone,
I love when some random stranger compliments me,
I love it when people smile at me,
I love it when someone hugs me,
I love the look in someone's eyes when they talk about something they're really passionate about,
I love when someone is doing something they like and they smile without realizing it,
I love when I see a group of friends laughing until they can't breathe and making happy memories together,
I love when someone gives me a high-five for doing something I thought was hard but they thought was easy and instead of making fun of me, they just encourage and help me,
And I love when I see two or more people having a race to somewhere and they can barely contain their laughter.

Okay! Now your turn!

(Comment there! ☝️)

And don't feel shy either! Everyone loves life to a certain extent even if they say they don't. They can say they are extremely fed up with everything this world has ever done and then they would miss the way their favorite food tastes or how their favorite book was if it was gone.

You love something
Your challenge for today is to find it, experience how good it made you feel again, and think about why it made you feel that way. What was about it that made you love it so much?

Write it down,
And look at it every now and again to remind you that you have at least something to live for. Add more to the list as you go along!!

And if your favorite something is a person, spend time with them or give them a compliment or just do anything with them. And if you can't do that, then think about the good memories that stuck out to you the most when you were together and happy.

Write about why that person makes you happy.

And if this is a hard first step, then don't worry! Take your time and of course I'm not going to force you to do any of this. If you want a simpler task, then I have one! :)

Write on a piece of paper something that makes you happy. It can be anything. Then what I want you to do is fold the paper until you can't fold it anymore. Then try to remember every word you put on the paper without unfolding it.

If you can, great job!! You did amazing today! Now set a timer for 5-10 minutes and after it goes off, try and remember it again without looking at the paper. If that was done, amazing!! Now try to remember it every day so you can feel happy about that thing. You can look at the paper whenever you want after that.

If you couldn't, that's okay! I don't blame you. But try again in a few minutes after looking at the paper again and see if you can do it for me please. If you can't, that's alright! We have more activities to help you if you need it.

Again, I'm not forcing any of you to do these at all. Take these as some friendly reminders that even the little things in life are to be protected. Whoever you believe made this world did it so carefully that they made it more beautiful than anything ever seen before.

And you're a part of that.
You are a beautiful person on a beautiful planet with beautiful things.

It isn't too late to enjoy the world around you. Even if it seems to be crumbling, remember that it is waiting very patiently for whatever happens. It has been prepared since the very beginning. The world will wait on you if you need patience and guidance and the world will be your friend when nobody else will.

Take a moment, any moment, and look outside your window whenever you can.

Whatever is outside it, it's bound to be beautiful in some form or another.

Get some sleep, eat something, and don't forget to drink some water.

Love you and see you tomorrow!! <3

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