Good People

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Good morning, afternoon, or night!! I hope you are having a fantastic day so far!

Today we are gonna talk about humans. You and I are both human and there's nothing we can do to change that! But that doesn't necessarily mean it's a bad thing!

Some people grow into bad humans and they just make everybody else's lives worse. They know who they are. And you can put their name below so you can get all of your hate out!

Right there! ☝️

The reason people become bad individuals can vary from person to person but it doesn't matter much when what they do to people around them is not in any way beneficial. To anybody.

In short, they have no valid reason to be the way that they are. They're just assholes. BUT! Sometimes those people see the error of their ways and decide to change for the better!

Does that mean you have to support the better version of that person? No! Of course not! You can support whoever you want to!

But I'd like you to know that this is only some people.

Not everybody is going to be the awful person who hurts others for no reason. And there are people in this world who are caring, kind, and very thoughtful.

And maybe you have met a person like that, already!

Like last time with a bad person, you can put someone you know or have met who's been kind to you! And maybe what they did or what about them makes you think this way.

👆Right here!!

Activity time!!

If you plan on going anywhere, like, literally anywhere anytime soon, then I would like to challenge you to compliment at least one person. It can be anything about them that you find interesting. Their clothes, the way their hair looks, their eyes, anything!

It doesn't necessarily have to be their appearance. I know it's hard, but try! It'll make you feel good too!

This can make them know that you are not one of those bad people and it can make their day! And they might compliment you also! Saying or doing something kind for someone can really make a difference. And it will end up making you feel good as well!

I see that there are many reasons to give up on humanity. They have done such horrible things to their fellow people and the earth that they live on.

But look all around the city. Humans have come so far with making such beautiful things that no creature has ever done before. Humans have made things to help others, to hurt others, and to help themselves.

We can't change what they did. But we can change what it'll do! Every day, just like how you complimented somebody, people are making a difference to somebody else's life for the better. You can never ask for too much help or love.

Some amazing people will help anyone they can. They could devote their lives to saving, caring, and helping other people! But others do the little things like giving their friends advice, donating money to charity or the homeless, and complimenting others. Like you!

Like you, you can and have helped people. You've probably made so many positive changes in somebody's life, and you wouldn't even know!!

And if you think you're a bad person, be one of the ones that change. It'll be tough, but very rewarding once you begin helping and caring for others.

Whether you like it or not, you're a part of this world. You're a part of your community. And what you do to change that community, is up to you. But I hope you'll consider it being something good.

You are a piece of a large, beautiful puzzle. You've done good and bad things. And that's what makes you great. The fact you make mistakes are proof that you have the blood, flesh, and bone of a human being. A person.

But only the fact that you help other people and make them happy makes you a good person.

Help can go a long way.
It can inspire, motivate, and save people.
You, yes you, can save people.
Isn't that great?

You can actually salvage a life and turn it around.
It won't be a piece of cake,
but it will be worth it.

I can promise that.

Realizing that other people live their own lives does something to a person, so does learning to be perspective.

You could be someone like me and make something like this to help people! (Ah I'm trying to be humble here)

It may not do much, but hopefully it'll do something. One little good thing.
And that's all it has to take.

On that note, thanks again for stopping by!! And I apologize for being late!

Get some sleep, eat something, and don't forget to drink some water.

I care about you and enjoy your existence!! Bye now! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17 ⏰

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